211 Global Warming and Climate Change} What Now Continuing!

In about one month this blog site will be 1 year old, it took until February 1st to reach 1000 hits, then start of July to hit 5000 hits. I understand that with what should be a very controversial subject people are afraid to speak out. No one wants to jump on a bandwagon, and then look like a fool if it is proved wrong, or speak negatively on a subject in case it is proved true. In either scenario, someone could be made to look foolish, but I ask myself why people would feel that way, asking questions does not mean that you agree or disagree with what I am saying, when we were in school most people did not ask questions in class, and would even get mad when I did, as I always did. Did that mean that I was disagreeing with the teacher, not in my mind, sometimes I was trying for clarity, sometimes for more information, or simply asking why? No one expects me to be their teacher on this most important topic, and I would not try and do anything but explain what this planet is going through with the information that I have read! Mankind is far from understanding this planet we call home! It all depends on how we are raised to ask questions, and the vast majority of us are never taught to ask questions, we are to listen to people that have more knowledge than ourselves, and learn what is being taught. Even in class when a teacher asks if anyone has a question, no one but me would, but very few people would receive a 100% on their test results so evidently, they only thought that they did not have any questions, (or did not care enough to have any questions). Is this what I am seeing with so few people contacting me? How can we get a conversation going, when no one is conversing, nowadays when a reporter is asking a question, it is not always to get an answer about the topic but as a way to trap them into saying something that will polarize their response with another party! As a people, we need to listen as well as challenge others, even if we do not agree with everything that they say. No one who is truly trying to understand a topic is completely wrong on any subject. Only those that have never tried to understand but is simply regurgitating others point of view, can hold that honor! I am starting to sound like a recording but only by telling others about my blog site and posts can we get the necessary conversations going. Reach me at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > my blog site is https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   


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