212 Global Warming and Climate Change} How to reach people has never been my strong suit!
On most topics that I hear being discussed, I say nothing because people, for the most part, are just saying what they have heard, from there media source of choice! There is never any in-depth discussion of there beliefs, as to why, it is simply a standard talking point that fit's their conception of there place in the world. If we do not learn how to think as children, it is very hard to start doing so as adults! If you have been raised to not trust certain aspects of the government, or believe everything someone in government says, it is very hard to change such a point of view. Most people will have made up their minds about a subject the second, that they find out who has said it. How can you talk to someone like that, if you tried it would simply degrade into either a shouting march or being ridiculed as a Communist, fascist, democrat or some other "IGNORANT" person who will believe anything people will tell you, only they know the truth because they listen to "fill in the blank" This is middle America's point of view, they are the same ones that what think the protest for black lives matters if an affront to there way of living, police are not bias against people of color, yes mistake can be made but it is there own fault for living there and letting drugs rule their lives, they should be able to rise above there situation in life and if they don't, then you do not deserve anything better! What did the NAZIS say, if you do not have anything to hide, then you will not mind us checking! Well yes, but that was different that were madmen in charge, not American's people sworn to uphold the great constitution of the United States where all men are created equal! (but blacks are only worth 3/5 of whites). Now, Dan, that was 250 years ago, you can not say that great progress has not been achieved in the following years, there are black police officers, politicians, and we do not even call them black anymore they are afro-American, (Why not just America's or simply people like everyone else, or do we still need to know where their great-great grand-parents were possibly kidnapped from?) Are there enough people on this planet who can make reasonable decisions based on knowledge supplied to them in a manner that is not broken down into 60 second sound bites, to do the right thing in saving all carbon-based life on this planet? In America, all major changes have never been passed by a popular vote of the people, but had to be brought into being by The Supreme Court (9people), or by Presidental authority (1person) If you what something big to fail, have people vote on it. We could not get the Equal Right Amendment to be ratified, giving women the same right as men. When Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation late in the second year of the civil war, there were riots in the north, people felt that the only reason now for the war, was to free the slaves, and they did not want their children to die for such a cause. Gays and Lesbian's only received more rights, such as being able to marry, because of The Supreme Court ruling! Wyoming had to take their women's right to vote away, so that they could join and become a state! It took many more years for that right to be passed, and not by a popular vote but by an amendment to the constitution! Taking alcohol away and then giving it back, amendments, not by popular vote. We as a people hate change, The death penalty, was removed in Nebraska, by the legislation and reinstated by popular vote, even though we very seldom have people put to death. Is America so different than the rest of humanity? If not then my ambitious plan to repair this planet has to be implemented by governmental decree or at least given a green light to start, by each government that will need to have replanting done on its soil or replenishment of glaciers! Perhaps we need to talk directly to the governments that span the Sahara desert first, as this area will naturally be of great importance! Seeing what trade-offs would need to happen for starting? G-mail me @ danielkadavy212@gmail.com Call me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Read more of my posts and ramblings at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com. As always keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska! Dan
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