213 Global Warming and Climate Change} Romania, you have just entered into 2nd place with the most views!
Only the United States, with over 2000 views has more! You have over 1000 views, and then Denmark with 700 views, Great, now if only you would like to comment or ask any questions, that would be very nice? Only by getting the word out about that crazy guy in some hick town in Nebraska, can we get a conversation going on how to begin making life on this planet even better than it is, with a much rosier picture for humanity's future! Yes, there are many pressing issues, COVID-19, race relations, income gaps, pollution, deforestation, etc., these are problems that face all of mankind! Yet my plan on how to repair this great planet, addresses many of these issues, not just Global Warming and Climate Change! Again I have been told that I am asking for too much, being too aggressive, trying to re-engineer whole economic systems. But this is simply not true, when the U.S. government opened up much of the west with the homestead act, they too made the land the economic base for millions of people's livelihood! What is now being proposed is much the same but using the waters of the great rivers of this planet makes unproductive deserts and semi-arid areas, profitable! Water or the lack-there-of, has always been the defining factor in farming and aquaculture. The fact that saving all life on this planet for as long as mankind can remain a viable species on this planet is simply a great big plus!
So please, call me, at 402-890-7846 e-mail me, danielkadavy212@gmail.com tell people about my site, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com and keep reading my ramblings. Thank You, Dan
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