Global Warming and Climate Change} Has anyone out there though more about doing a study? Based on-

How much carbon in the different form's that sea life can use, can the Planet's Ocean's hold with-in its great depth? We know that in the planet's atmosphere there is really no amount, that would be too great that the atmosphere would simply increase in both size and volume (of course most animal life begins to have problems above certain levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.) Do the ocean's of the planet have an unlimited amount that it can hold or would it simply start to diffuse out into the atmosphere much like a bottle of pop does when the lid is off. Or perhaps the rates in the atmosphere would need to be somewhat higher than what the ocean rates are to prevent too much movement between the two environments! Right now in time by percent of the volume in the atmosphere, there is .04 percent of carbon dioxide. In the Oceans By weight, there is only. 000755 of a percent of carbon. meaning that even though there is 49 times more carbon dissolved in the oceans then there is in the atmosphere by weight of each there is around 5.5 times as much carbon in the atmosphere as there is in oceans water. That is not much carbon left in the oceans to support all of the diversity of life that the oceans lay claim too! Oxygen levels in the atmosphere are at around 21% while in the waters of the oceans it is much less, it is only around .06 of that, what would life in the oceans be like with more carbon and oxygen available for that life. Perhaps those are the studies that really need to be done in places all over the planet. We know how quickly fish will die as the water in a pond or lake heat up, and there is still life that responds very well when oxygen levels bottom out and do very badly as oxygen levels rise! But the potential to increase fish, and many other types of sea life, will be very great! So many studies could be started, where would it ever end? I can be reached in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at < > Thank you for reading and keep telling others, almost at 5,000 hits. Dan


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