Global Warming and Climate Change} I am getting quite a few views, but very little responses!

I am wondering if people are downloading my papers and posts, why are they not contacting me. Are they afraid that to do so, will say something about there point of view may be changing and they do not want to go there yet? For it seems that I get around the same number of hits from the same countries every time I post in the first few minutes and then a few more hits within a 4-6 hour span, these will vary from several different countries and not always the same. I was wondering if this is a typical response to such an unusual point of view on such an important topic? If you are a scientist and hold the seemingly standard belief that a rise of 150 parts per million of additional carbon dioxide should cause as much of a problem on raising the temperature around the planet, without any other reason other than carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. But now a non-scientist is talking about ice ages, and increasing areas of desert's and semi-arid areas, and loss of plant ground cover, causing loss of cloud cover all being inter-related on why a raise of only 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is so important, especially as it is so rare of a gas that is also the mainstay of all life on this planet. And this same non-scientist is saying that he not only understands what is happening, but he is telling everyone how to repair a life-changing problem with a way that everyone on the planet will like. Because there is almost no cost that will not be repaid many times over, will give viable solutions to many different problems, from oceans raising, to help clean up the same oceans, to replenishing melting glaciers, to solving what to do with refugees from around the planet. There simply is no downside unless you are a millionaire who what to become a billionaire by using the repairing of the planet's Global Warming problem to do so. As always I have started rambling, but that is how I am! Just who do I think I am??? Well anyway, as always I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or by e-mail, should I be calling it g-mail do not know and really do not care @ < > Thank you, Dan


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