228 Global Warming and Climate Change} America has never been able to vote in social change, it has always been defeated at the polls!

During the American Civil War, President Lincoln had to bring forth the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, nearly three years after the start of the war. President Johnson did the voting right act on August 6, 1965, As a factor for change, the silent majority is always happy with the status quo, they hide their prejudices, behind trying to not allow any unknown changes, to enter into their worldview. No one ever sees themselves as they really are, myself included, we all see ourselves as good guys. Unfortunately, the United States of America has one of the worst track records in dealing with non-European immigration of any country in the world. And yet we keep telling the whole world how we stand for freedom, (I guess that is only if you are not, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or any other non-Euopeanian race) Freedom is not for some if it is not for all! Either we are all American's trying to make that really mean something, or we are just another country where the wealthy and powerful are in charge! Where our greatest hope is to be one of the few, that in time, can enter into that upper echelon of society. We forget that there can only be so many Chiefs, and then a whole lot of braves, in such a sociality! By keeping certain people down, that makes it more likely that the rest of us can rise up, even if the chances are very slim! I know that my rambling on subjects that seem to have little to do with repairing the planet, is not what many of you who read my posts are interested in, but just as the planet is a most complex "almost could be considered a living organism" mankind's interaction with each other from governments, down to individuals, can be while not as complex as life's interaction on this planet, does create problems that need both to be understood, and worked with to allow the necessary changes to occur! We can not simply stumble into a solution that will work, without understanding the true nature of the problem! This is for both Global Warming and mankind's ability to come together in solving Global Warming! As a side note, the USA could not even get the Equal Rights Amendment passed by being voted on by the public, this amendment stated that equal rights for all Americans regardless of sex! This amendment was given 10 years to be ratified by 2/3s of the states this did not happen and in 1982 the amendment was withdrawn by being time-limited out! In 1982 we could not get over 50% of the people of each state to agree that men and women should be considered equal in the eyes of the law! And we say that all men are created equal, well I was taught that meant all of mankind, Male, Female, Black, White, and all colors in between. America has proven time and time again that is simply not true! And yet there will always be those people who will tell me that I am "not looking at the problems in the right manner", such as the equal rights act would make women better than men. How do you get that out of all "American Citizens regardless of sex" will have equal legal rights!!! As always any correspondence is greatly appreciated, I can be reached @  daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  the website is https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  or call me I answer my phone 24/7 @ 402-890-7946. Thank you, Dan
    When Wyoming wanted to go from being a territory and becoming a state, it worried that it would have to stop allowing women the right to vote, which they had benefitted from since 1869, and it did come very close in the vote to becoming a state, both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate narrowly passed Wyoming's bid to become the 44th State in1890! Becoming the very first "State" to allow women to vote. Yet the territory of Utah had been denied several times for statehood because of their allowance of women's right to vote, prior to Wyoming's acceptances, and then not until 1896, but other factors entered into why it took another 6 years. What we see now as an important right for all people, only tiny steps towards these rights were gained over time!
    Right now the Republican party which claims that they wish to get big government out of people's lives is trying so very hard to do exactly the opposite in telling all women what they can and can not do with their own bodies! There is no greater way that a state can invade a person's own beliefs than telling them how they must live, then whether or not to have children, and when! Yet that seems to be the greatest part of their agenda, repealing Roe vs Wade! Which gave people the right to choose for themselves, and not having big brother doing that for them!


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