Global Warming and Climate Change} Is it the scientist, governments, politcian's, or common person?
That we have to reach about the only way to repair the planet! In my opinion, change does seem to slowly come about, by mass peaceful protests. I was talking to several mid-twenties-year-olds, who stated that, global warming and climate change, is only a political agenda, and said that they had read papers to prove it, so what, now the whole planet is trying to foster on us a single political agenda? I am amazed at how out of touch certain groups of people are! America is not the whole planet, far from it! How did we get to the point where we cannot learn anything new and make some of the most important decisions based on sound bites from talking heads? The only things that many people are interested in, is how to make the most money with the least amount of work, and how to play as much as possible. When I was young, coming from a state in the middle of the country, meant that you learned at an early age how to work, especially if you came from a farming background, not so much anymore, I have a very hard time finding young people that have any work ethic, and hate to be told how to do something, they always know best! How do you know best, when you have never done it? Computer, can not build a house, design it yes, give it many options and views yes, but cut the trees, make the bricks, pour the foundations, plumb the bathrooms, and kitchens, wire the house, plant the grass or lay the sod, paint, no, no, no! Perhaps in time robots will be doing all of that, sad day! Much of what we are, is what we can do! I have two daughters and a wife, do they make me proud? very much so, but what they think is hard work, is really not. When I look at a house that I have built, or a piece of furniture, or even a sidewalk, that I know was built correctly, I feel very good about what I have made my life's work! I still enjoy what I do, and I am only writing about how the planet needs to be repaired because no one else, will, for the last 10-15years I have been waiting for some scientist to explain to the world what the sequestration of carbon dioxide over the last 3 billion years, has done to the carbon-based life on this planet and why the creation of so much arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, has reduced the planet ability to regulate its climate! But no one ever came forward, what to do, I am not a scientist but I have been studying the ice ages of the last 2.5 million years, and I read where many scientists are doing so much work, in these areas, how can they not see the connections between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the creation of both the ice ages and the creation of deserts. So I wrote my simple 12-page paper, talked to people that are supposed to understand, and what I get back in response is, that really is not my area of expertise, yes no scientist seems to be an expert, on how carbon sequestration, is a vital aspect of the planet's problem. So please bring this paper to the scientist who can at least come to understand, what I am trying so hard to get across. But the first thing they say is either that the planetary carbon cycle is well equipped to handle any time that carbon dioxide becomes too low, (Well yes, it either causes the planet to go into another Ice Age or it create more deserts to allow that carbon to be used around the rest of the planet) But now there is mankind here doing what nature can not do anymore because the planet is cooling down enough to limit volcanic action that is needed to replenish the sequestered carbon. But with the planets compromised temperature regulation ability, extreme temperature and therefore extreme weather is the resulting effect! I am sure that even if some noted scientist would bring forth what I am saying, there will be a lot of push back on any scientists, because of how science as a study works, proof, observations, and more proof, before there can be any thought of change to be considered. Well, I am trying, reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ < > A little help if you please! Thank you, Dan
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