203 Global Warming and Climate Change} What are some of sciences fundamental laws?

Fundamental laws of nature, are laws that are so ingrained into upcoming scientists as to act as a starting point. Some good examples are "the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second", the "molecular weight of any element", the "weight of the atmosphere at sea level, 15 lbs per square inch", the "length of a day, a year, a century all based on how long it takes for the planet to spin on its axis and to make one revolution around the sun". Fundamental laws are meant to be "set in stone", but in reality, this is not the case in many instances. Almost every law has variables, the length of a day is very slowly changing as is the time it takes the planet to go around the sun. The weight of the atmosphere at sea level has been decreasing ever since there was an atmosphere. The fundamental law that scientists think that my paper is breaking, is that plant life on this planet, with-out mankind's interference, is never-ending or eternal. Fundamental laws are only set in stone based on mankind's idea of time, which is based on years, not eon's. To the planet, mankind is nothing in terms of what it has seen in its 4.5 billion years! Life is so different from what it was in the beginning, the only common factors are energy from the sun and carbon as the base of all life, plus water! The sun is around 40% stronger than 4 billion years ago, and the amount of carbon available, in a form life, can use is over a thousand times less, then 4 billion years ago! Science knows all of this, it's in books, written about by a thousand different people, but an overview of what is happening has never to my knowledge, (which only means that I have never heard of) been put down as I have in my paper "Life cycle of a planet" To myself, I call it the "Big Picture of life" I did not use that title, because what is happening here, is also happening on every other planet in the universe, that is my "Fundamental Law of Nature" I do believe that there has to be life on other planets! The question is, will intelligent life on other planets, come about in time to rewind the supposedly perpetual motion machine of those planets? So far mankind has not seen the problem that this planet's, life is facing! Well, I need to get to work, call me, text me, e-mail me, and please tell others about this most important topic! Sometimes I think that we have lost to the ability to see outside the box, perhaps it is our fear of following the wrong idea, or sounding like an idiot, or simply afraid to be different. Thank you, Dan. I can be reached @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > Knowledge is only of use if it is shared!


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