What will be the political opposition, for such a plan as I have out-lined on these posts?
No matter what someone designs for repairing this planet, There will be major dissent on that or those designs, many of these reason's will not be based on any scientific rationale, but instead, political reason, which maybe is based on how the most profit can be made for the most people. For this massive of an undertaking, many will consider it ripe for making millions of dollars off of supplying the goods, equipment, and building supplies, that they will see as necessary for the project to go forth. This is where the non-profits can make a tremendous difference, By coordinating, with foundations and other non-profits for the equipment, building supplies, and everything else that will be needed, in time this will become a profit-making venture. and also self-sustaining. So many politicians will be the first to say that this type of venture can only be run by big business, thereby becoming a trillion-dollar capital investment, with stock owners and big investors and when the lands become viable for producing food only mega-farmers will be allowed to come in! This will defeat its very purpose of getting people involved in the planet's repair and making a true life with a purpose for many millions of families. Not making corporations bigger and millionaires wealthier all at the expense of the rest of us! And do not forget the politicians, war-lords, dictators, tribal-leaders, and anyone else with a gun or a big stick. This plan, this outline, the way forward in repairing the planet, that we all need, is not up for the highest bidder, or the most corrupt regime. Strong oversite by a non-profit has to become the only means of designing and engineering for what needs to be accomplished. And there can be no long term individual or committee running this non-profit, they will have a set length of service. and voted in, not, by being hired. There pay will not be over $100,000 per year, counting benefits. If we do not set up the boundaries of how things need to run in the beginning, then anyone can change the rules without any oversite. perhaps a Constitution as a new government would have, may be in order. There would be no reason that someone working in the Sahara desert would be treated or paid less or more than someone working somewhere else. Just remember, people, are not paid cash, for anything! In the beginning, they work to prove-up on the land that they will own outright, and as that land starts producing food, or whatever they are making, they get all of the profits, and can pass that land on to their children, but no one can buy or sell their land unless they would be no longer able to work it themselves. And then they sell their land back to the non-profit and others can then come in and prove up on it so they will own it. Call me anytime, I live in the USA 402-890-7946, or by e-mail @ < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > Thank you for reading and keep telling others. There are now people from over 25 countries who have looked at my posts and many from unknown. Dan
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