Why am I so adament about how much land one person or family can own?

In every society, there are lots of different types of people, some just want to do as little as they can to be able to get by, on the other extreme, there are people that want to do as little physical work as possible, and live a grand life, the only way that is possible, by using cheap labor to do there work! These are the people that feel that they are entitled to such a life. But in these "towns", while everyone will be welcome, not all will fit in! those that are happy at just working hard enough to get by will find that may not work at the beginning of a "town" being built, but later on with a more settled "town", then there chosen lifestyle may be more at home. 20 acres of land which will include fish farming in conjunction with vegetable farming, will produce a very busy and productive life, with the necessary income to enjoy that life. Production of whatever is being produced, by each "town" will generate income for each person involved in its final worth. This means that there is no cash available after the sale of something all of the monies are already spoken for. There is no middle man to take a cut, no big wig wetting his beak for allowing the sale. This will not lead to any wealthy or "hard"  people trying to come in and take what they have not earned. For these "towns" profit is only made from honest labor, be it manual, or by using your thinking cap, but for most, it will be both! 20 or 30 acres, even with shared equipment is really about all that a family can handle. With the cover crops such as alfalfa, many more acres can be handled but these crops should be community-owned because they will not always be harvested at the ideal time for producing the most yield, there will be many factors concerning when each field would be harvested. We need to not focus on the extremes of human nature, for how these "towns" will prosper but look at the mainstream individuals who will move heaven and earth, to have such a chance of improving there lives and that of there family's, all based on there effort. Reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail @ < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > Conversation only work when two or more are talking, While I may think that what I am trying to help people understand, on how planetary systems work, and where this planet is at, concerning that system  Many minds that are open to discussion are always better than one. Again thank you for reading, and keep telling others, perhaps there is more talking going on, it is not very much directed at me. Your, Dan.


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