216 Global Warming and Climate Change} The other day I was told by a web site that my submissions-

Which had been pending for 7 months, that because this was a site dedicated to serious climate change discussions only, they were not going to okay my paper "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" to be seen on this site because it may cause confusion? Well, I was hoping to cause a conversation, not confusion, but isn't that how you end the confusion, is by conversation. Knowledge can only be spread by conversation, if an idea can not stand up to the light of science then we will have at least allowed that information a chance of being out there so that it could be discussed, and either proven wrong or more study would be needed! This site that has declined to post my papers would be considered to be on the doom and gloom side of global warming, in that they seem to believe that no matter what mankind does going forth, will be too little, too late! Then what is the point? You would think that they would love an idea on how to repair the planet in a timely fashion, if it could be viable. My plan is viable even if I am wrong about why we have to fix the planet, it does everything that the mainstream scientists believe will need to be done to mitigate mankind's addition of 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! It uses up this added carbon dioxide with a lot more plant growth around the planet! It even allows for more carbon dioxide then there is now, realizing that you can not stop mankind's need for fossil fuel use overnight! While saying that full steam ahead on greener energy sources is very necessary. so why are sites like this so down on working with a good solution? I do believe that many of these sites have been taken over both by extremists, and by outside parties trying to make these sites too radical for anyone but other such radical individuals so that no one will take them seriously! I mean if all they preach is doom and gloom, then the only ones that you will reach are those that think that mankind is nothing but a pestilent on the planet, and not as the only savior that this planet has! So please read my paper titled "Life cycle of a planet Daniel Kadavy" either on google or my web site, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com and keep telling others. You can contact me at 402-890-7946 or at < danielkadavy212@gmail.com  Thank you, Dan


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