220 Global Warming and Climate Change} How lucky are we to be alive at this point in human history? I am 63 years old, born in 1956.
Think of all of the progress that has happened in those few years! 60 years ago mankind could not have started the replanting of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, there was at that time, not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the whole planet to have abundant plant life. Plus our crop yields would have suffered, and at that time that may have meant more famines. China was already in the middle of some of the worst famines they had ever seen. If all mankind does is lock carbon dioxide away in non-edible trees, we may end up being responsible for greater loss of life, by the lack of available food. Almost all wars are caused by the suffering of the masses or the cause of civil wars. In 1916 Russia great leap into communism, in the 1930s Germany's build-up into a war footing, all were predicated by social unrest, which came about by hard-living conditions and, or unjust governmental oversite. Now in many places such as America, as in the "Black Lives Matter" movement, racial inequality, or birth status, are becoming very large issues, and have the ability to tear apart a sociality, but only if that sociality, is unwilling to truly look at issues that many have just accepted as being the way that it always has. People that believe that change will not be good for them, are those that believe in the status quo. While those that are striving for change, simply want to be included as an equal! My plan to repair this wonderful planet has at its core, the belief that every single person has the ability to make a difference in this world but if that difference is to make a better world or a worst world is only up to them! No one goes through a lifetime on this planet with-out changing it in some way! How we educate or cause our children to see the world, is what will determine the planet's future! Right now many important opportunities are in the perfect place, a very large labor force hoping for a better life for themselves and their children, enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the necessary plant life, concerned people willing to see that something has to be done, and the knowledge and technical ability to do what needs to be accomplished. And the computers can now help with the language problems that could doom such a massive undertaking with so many people of different faiths, beliefs, outlooks, and needs. Only a common need for a better life will be able to tie such a workforce together! Call me @ 402-890-7946 or check out my site at < https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com > Or e-mail me @ danielkadavy212@gmail.com Thank you, for reading, keep telling everyone you meet about that crazy guy in Nebraska USA that thinks he can fix every problem in the World. Dan
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