221 Global Warming and Climate Change} What is an Expert?
We have been taught that experts are the only people to listen to. What makes an expert, is it because they have the ability to memorize statistics, or is it because they read everything, in their field of study? Is it because they have become wealthy because of their knowledge, be it an invention, or buying stocks at the right time? Have they written books that others in their field either agree with, or shows how, to look at something in a new but acceptable way? Or is it because they can maintain the "status quo" which makes others rich? Is it because we need "someone" to be an expert? Many times experts seem to be someone that has lived through very tough times and by prevailing in doing so, is now considered an expert! Or is it that they have simply lived long enough, or outlasted their opponents. Was Stalin an expert on communism or simply knew how to keep power? (I know what I think about that, but it definitely makes no difference to anyone else) So by any definition that I have talked about, I am not an "EXPERT" on Global Warming and Climate Change! But that doesn't mean that I do not understand, how we need to repair the planet, or the why of how, we need to repair this planet. All that means is that only those people that are willing to see outside the box, or are willing to look at facts, instead of emotions, may be willing to look at another point of view that fits all of the known factors concerning the planet. That is why I called my 12-page paper "Life cycle of a Planet Daniel Kadavy" and not How to repair our Planet, because this planet and every planet in the universe will sooner or later face something like, what this planet's "life" is facing! Mankind has only been on this planet for a very short time, and during that whole time the planet's life has been in decline due to the sequestration of carbon, so mankind has no first-hand knowledge of this decline, any changes that mankind can observe, must, therefore, be because of mankind's actions and most of the time this would be correct! Pollution, deforestation, animal extinction due to loss of habitat, the dust-bowl of the 1930s, much of the increase of the Sahara desert due to over-grazing of livestock. Ever since mankind has started to maintain and then increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, that has prevented the planet from entering into another ice age, overdue by several thousand years! We do not recognize this because of our short lifespans, and our limited ability to see how past events that have little to do with a direct correlation with mankind's actions could be of importance. We are programmed to see big, not tiny, and slow, but the very fact that this planet has had abundant life on it for billions of years, makes us think that it must be everlasting, even when we see massives changes in what type of life that has been, over those billions of years. But science is starting the very slow process of understanding that life shift, but we are far from being able to say much more than that, it does change! We get used to the big ideas, the "Big Bang," the Meteor that killed off the dinosaurs, the volcano eruptions in the "Siberian Trapps" that may have lasted for 1,000,000 years, and bringing this planet out of being a giant ball of ice. (maybe if this is what happened then it could have been the first time that the planet ran very low of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with a sun that was not putting out as much energy as the planet receives now, so that even with more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now, a very large and long term ice-age was evident!) Are scientists to blame then for not seeing the tiny, slow changes, of course not, there is always a learning curve, think how fast we are now finding planets out in the great universe. When just a few years ago we found the first one, now it seems to be a weekly event, and yet we know that there must be billions out there, we learn only as fast as we can, and it all takes money and manpower, for something that really does not bring in any money, so science is always playing catch-up with things that happened hundreds, to thousands, to millions, to billions, of years ago. I do not remember what car I drove 30 years ago! and I was there. When mankind decides to get serious about Global Warming and Climate Change and start to get the necessary funding for carbon sequestration and how that affected plant life, over the last 100,000,000 years. Then we will be able to understand how much of the planet's temperature-regulating ability has been lost, and not caused by a species who did not even show up on this planet until the die had already been cast! But only this same species can stop that die from ending carbon-based life in the future. As always keep telling others about that crazy guy in Nebraska. Call me at 402-890-7946 E-mail me at < danielkadavy212@gmail.com > or go to my site @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan.
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