223 Global Warming and Climate Change} Has science put all of its eggs in one basket when it comes to Global Warming?

The "opposition party" would like you to think so, for them it is all or nothing if you get one aspect of the problem wrong then all of your beliefs must be suspect! Science is a never-ending quest for knowledge. Knowledge is not something that comes without hard work, trial and error, and a lot of experimentation. Look at how far mankind has come in only one hundred years, how many lives have been saved, and a few losses in that search. But there will always be those that ridicule something that they feel will upend how they perceive life. Science is not something that continually gains knowledge, there are setbacks and many different points of view on most subjects. When knowledge is gained then many people may be helped, if not all of mankind, Understanding how the planet and all of its different lifeform interact is not the same as building a new source of energy that has fixed parameters, or a faster jet engine. You must also understand how life has changed over billions of years, and why. Lines of progress, are not straight lines but loaded with dead-ends and oneway streets, plus out of date maps that were never quite right, to begin with, and therefore the farther away you get the more errors will occur. So once these errors are found do you have to start from scratch or simply redesign from where you went off of the track at? To hide your head in the sand and pretend everything will be alright because it has to be, or how bad can it get, and how to profit from that, is not how mankind needs to go forward. Big business can always find a way to profit from disasters, so any adverse effects that global warming may bring with be a boom for big business. As always it will be the middle and lower classes that will suffer. And you can be sure that big business already has plans on how to profit since they have been told what to expect in the coming years, if mankind does little or nothing. Plans for seawall construction, over thousands of miles of shoreline, infrastructure needs in every major city to withstand extreme weather, the movement of water for both drinking and agriculture at top dollar. This is not how we need to repair the planet, only by reacting to problems as they develop. As always keep telling others about that crazy guy in Nebraska, who knows how to repair the planet, when everyone else is still yelling! I can be reached at 402-890-7946, or at  danielkadavy212@gmail.com  or read my posts at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan  


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