224 Global Warming and Climate Change} When I put "Lifecycle of a planet" up on the internet a year ago, I was very afaid that the timing was very bad!

I felt this for several reasons, the main one was that I felt that I was several years too late! By the time that I had posted " Life cycle of a planet Daniel Kadavy" Global Warming had already become a very volatile issue with there being two very entrenched sides, and neither side had any true understanding of what the planet was really going through. One side, felt that all of the symptoms were caused by mankind's addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and the only recourse is to stop all burning of fossil fuels, in an effort to restore the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels below 300 parts per million. The next side, felt that mankind's addition of only 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere could not be the cause of the more volatile weather that the planet has been experiencing, but simply a normal cycle of weather, and mankind has not been recording weather patterns for a long enough time to prove otherwise! Working with just the symptoms, and not the underlying cause both sides could be right. Neither side feels that we needed to go farther back in the planet history than the last ice age, this is where both sides go very wrong! The other main reason that I did not like the timing of putting the paper online last year was the political climate in the USA! One side saying that everything that they disagree with is fake news, and the other side saying that fake news from other countries, put the president in power, not a good time to introduce a completely new reason, on why the planet's temperature-regulating ability has been compromised due to 3 billion years of carbon sequestration, and have two at odds, sides, take a true look at something that makes either, or both sides look like they have no true idea of what they have been talking about. Every time, a new way of looking at something comes about, the fingerpointing comes out, why is that?  What I am trying to explain to the whole planet is simple to check out if I am right or wrong, and it is math that is how it can be verified or proven wrong! After that is done, then the hard part begins, getting the governments of the planet, to allow the necessary work to begin! Please feel free to contact me, at any time! Phone me at 402-890-7946, e-mail me at  danielkadavy212@gmail.com or tell others about my web site https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank You, Dan       


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