225 Global Warming and Climate Change} There are many sides to mathematics, The side that deals with known numbers Is the one I like!

A squared + B squared = C squared, I can get behind that! The side that deals with probabilities, not so much, what are the chances that something will happen or not happen? That is what gambling is all about, and I do not like what I can not control. There are times that science needs to and does use probabilities, but this is when extra care has to come into action and then spelled out to the readers that it is only a probability study not, in fact, a fact. But sometimes scientists will take such a probability study and start to talk in such a way that it seems that it is a fact. In medicine, this is used quite often, a nurse will take down as much information about a person's lifestyle, history, and related history of families and the doctor will then enter this information into known causes and chances of such and such a disease. Even before someone sees a doctor, certain expectations will be deduced by this information, and for and overall occurrence of certain diseases this information is very important, but it can not be the end-all of what are the chances! I am bringing this up because of "what are the probabilities that mankind, who has only been on this planet for a tiny fraction of its ability to maintain such a lifeform" could be in a position to save all carbon-based lifeforms with-in that last few centuries of the need, for a thinking and acting species to be able to do that? And I will even state that if mankind waits for a few more centuries before doing anything, life may never be the same for much of the planet lifeforms, both plants, and animals. Just remember, people that never smoked a cigarette in their life can still die from lung cancer, and people who are 4 pack a day smokers can live to be 100, men can get breast cancer, and women can die of a heart attack! Probabilities are not facts, only probabilities. We need to live our lives knowing that there will be dangers in living our lives! Do we not have children because we might lose them, or they might lose us and could never recover from that. So do not let probabilities stop you from the mathematics that shows just how little carbon is left for all life on this planet to continue, that is the math to follow! Call me @ 402-890-7946, e-mail me at danielkadavy212@gmail.com Keep telling others about https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan


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