226 Global Warming and Climate Change} When replacing ice loss from a glacier, do we only add at the very coldest part of the glacier?
Every Glacier replenishment ice project, will need to be adapted to each circumstance! Sometimes the best place for replenishment will be as high up as possible so that the ice will be maintained for the longest possible time, this would work well when the glacier calves into an ocean or sea, but when the glacier melt is used for freshwater, then ice placement would need to be where enough melting would happen each year to maintain the downstream flow capacity, but not so much that dams downstream would simply being used to capture the excess glacier melt to be returned the next winter. Knowing that to try and estimate just how much of any glaciers ice will melt each year is at best, just a guess. Dams downstream intended for capture of excess glacier melt would need to be large enough, and often enough, to play an important role in maintaining downstream flow! Over time, glacier replenishment would almost become a science in itself, and as mankind's efforts to re-establish much of the planets lost temperature-regulating ability, gains ground, this will also affect surface temperatures over glaciers in different areas on the planet in different ways. There will be places around the planet that will slowly cool down and places that will slowly warm-up, and I have only the roughest ideas of how each part of the planet will respond to a more uniform cloud-cover, over a much greater part of the planet! History of the past, far back before mankind ever showed up is part of our best guides, but as we now know mankind has the ability to cause changes in the planet's environment, that can affect it and direct it. Increasing plant cover is only one way that mankind can affect temperature-regulations to prevent extremes on the planet. What we do NOT want to happen, is to turn this planet into a place where no extreme exist at all, just as the slight cooling of the planet's core has reduced the availability of the long term carbon replenishment cycle, ( they have been many benefits to the planet's core cooling down slightly, a more stable, slowly less-volatile crust ) we do not want to lose any of the ocean currents or the atmosphere trade winds which play a very large part in the life-cycle of both the oceans and land! In the short run of the next few generations of mankind, the changes to the planet's will be minor, but for the better! Compared to what will happen if mankind does little to off-set the extreme weather! What we will need to focus on for the future of the planet, will begin to play-out only after much of the planet's ability for temperature-regulation has been re-established! Since this will take several generations to do so, we will be able to adapt to the changing needs, easier and with much more knowledge than mankind now processes. Replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet is not a one time fix, but will be an ongoing need to do what a planet running out of critical requirements for life will continue to face! For once a planet reaches this phase in its ability to maintain life, without outside interference, then the need for that lifeform (mankind) to remain a viable lifeform also becomes the only way for all carbon-based life on that planet to survive! 0.041% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere shows that, and up until very recently, there was not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for mankind to have been able to replant the amount of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet to accomplish what needs to be done, to re-establish part of the lost temperature-regulating of this beautiful, only place all life on this planet has to call home! Dan
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