230 Global Warming and Climate Change} What does it all mean for humanity?
It means that without mankind this planet will slowly continue to be starved for adequate carbon dioxide for there to be abundant plant life on the whole planet. Right now there is around 25% of the land surface of the planet faces, plant loss, due to this restriction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which first showed up around two and a half million years ago in the form of massive amounts of ice being stored on the planet that only receded as the lowering of the oceans by hundreds of feet, releasing its store of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere slowly warming up the planet! These periods of when more ice is being stored on the planet are called Ice-ages and are anywhere from 50,000 years long to 120,000 years long, but the period in between Ice-ages are much shorter periods of time normally only lasting 10,000 years before the sequestration of carbon reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere low enough to again allow the planet to cool enough, for the next Ice-age to start. these inter-glaciers periods, do seem to have been more uniform in the length of their time duration. That was until mankind became numerous enough, that by our actions and land management, of farming and using the forests of the planet for heating, building, and its removal for farming that mankind (completely unknowing of course) started to maintain the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere high enough to prevent the planet from entering into another Ice-age. It is best guesstimated, that this planet, by soil erosion and the death of massive amounts of shelled sea life, sequesters around 10 gigatonnes of carbon each and every year, and then returns around 3 gigatonnes of carbon back into the atmosphere of the planet every year by several methods! The most notably by the rock melting action of plate tectonics. This should tell us that the planet at this point in time removes around 7 gigatonnes of carbon each and every year! This carbon is still on and in and under the soils of the planet but is no longer available in a form that plant life can use! I do not know which word best fits mankind's knowledge of our planets carbon cycle, "ESTIMATE", "QUESSTIMATE", "EDUCATED GUESS", or CONJECTURE, but it is not "FACTUAL" I do not believe that science has in any way tried to deceive us or themselves, in how the carbon cycle on this planet works! The planet has had carbon-based life on it for billions of years, and mankind has only begun to understand it for several thousand years, with the true study and attempt of using a scientific means of doing so, for a few hundred years, If something has worked for BILLIONS of years, why would we think that it would need mankind help at this point? Mankind's attempt at understanding the planet around us has always been with our own needs first, dominate, overcome, remove obstacles, redesign to fit our needs, and then try and incorporate the needs of other life forms around us, but only those that we feel can adapt to us, not us adapt to it! Dan
On a side note, the destruction of South America's Tropical Rain-Forest is one of the most damaging acts of mankind because it decreases cloud-cover over a very large area of the planet, exposes soil's and reduces rainfall, all of which the "plan" uses to reduce temperature extremes and the associated extreme weather! The balancing act that a tropical rainforest does of supporting the planet's temperature-regulating abilities is one of the most important natural ways to prevent exactly what is happening! Why this policy has been allowed to happen seems to be have been put in place with profit, before knowledge?!
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