234 Global Warming and Climate Change} What is the most improtant aspect of climate change that we are worried about?
There are several to choose from, is it the "Extreme Weather" that increases flooding, droughts, hurricanes, or are we more worried about rising sea levels due to melting ice, or perhaps the overall raising temperature of the planet? Or the oceans becoming more acidic. At the time of the "Dinosaurs", there was either no ice on the planet at all or very little, so the planet has seen that, only mankind has not! At that same time, the oceans contained much more carbon dioxide than we could ever introduce now, so again the planet has seen that, only mankind has not! That leaves extreme weather, which is caused by extreme temperature highs, and temperature lows meeting. Even back 70 million years ago this would not have happened, the range of temperature would have been much less than the planet sees now so that there would have been a much more tropical rain forest type condition around the whole planet! It would have perhaps rained for days at a time, but not gully washers, just a nice steady rain, no snows, maybe some hail but perhaps not enough high altitudes winds to allow hail to form. When the planet has plant coverage around the whole planet, then there are very few temperature extremes, but again mankind has never seen this, so we are not able to judge what we have not seen as a normal condition of stable temperatures. Mankind can only judge what they see, on the planet Jupiter there are storms larger than our whole planet that has been raging for hundreds of years, and scientist seeing this storm has been able to explain why it has lasted so long. But no scientist on our planet has seen a stable temperature condition on our planet as a planet-wide condition, so they have a very hard time understanding how that could happen. We could make that happen, but the loss of so much land to the rising sea's would not be looked upon as a positive. So mankind will have to come to an agreement on how much ice should be stored on the planet, but that would need to be a discussion far into the future, at least a few generations, our needs now is to replant all of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. This will take several generations of men to accomplish! Along with replenishing glaciers around the planet, these actions will go far in stabilizing the planet's temperature-regulating ability which will reduce if not eliminate most extreme weather. Not to mention increasing the planet's farmable lands by a huge amount, and giving many millions of people a way to be their own bosses as farmers, suppliers and living the world's dream! I can be reached in the USA at 402-890-7946, e-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or go to my website to continue reading about "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, and keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska who says he knows how to repair the planet cheaply, correctly, and with no downsides! Dan
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