235 Global Warming and Climate Change} What equipment will be needed to move all of the great rivers of the planet into arid and semi-arid places?

 As with any large construction project, and we could consider what needs to be done over the whole planet, the largest, and just like any great city, a never-ending project. And like any very large city, any cost will be recovered many times over in production, and quality of life that a city can instill in its citizens. We are talking about creating out of arid and semi-arid areas, a truly free sociality that will be fully sustainable, in all of its actions and needs. Making people, the most important equipment that there will ever be. Almost anyone can be taught how to run cranes, bulldozers, trucks, produce cement with only the movement of a few buttons, but what to do with all of that power at a person's fingertip, is what makes the difference! Do we simply push a hill out of the way, or do we contour around the hill, so that we can use the existing sides of the hill for the purpose, that the planet had already designed? If you ever looked at a mountainside you would notice that nature leaves no dips that only hold water for a short time, these places are always filled in by the surrounding soils every time it blows or rains. Water always finds the fastest way downhill, even if that fastest way is a slow serpentine direction across an almost level valley. Man can redirect water and has been doing so for thousands of years, many times what we have thought was the best way, especially putting a dam right across a river, ended up having major problems develop, such as fish migration, sediment deposit, changing wildlife patterns, and other unintended consequences. The last 200 years have given mankind an insight on how to accomplish what we deem necessary, with minimum unexpected problems being created.  But only if we are willing to learn from past errors, instead of repeating them, because we believe that it will save some effort! Just today I have seen and read, where there are now 80,000,000 refugees around the planet with very few countries willing to take in even a small fraction of those numbers! We could house that number in just a few years, spread out all over the planet in areas few people would be willing to live!  Call me at 402-890-7946, e-mail me at daniel212@gmail.com, or read more about this perfect solution @  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, let get this right the first time! Dan                                  


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