238 Global Warming and Climate Change} Even if I can not get people to understand how the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has dropped!

From being over a thousand times more available, when life first started on this planet, over 3 billion years ago, to being just, .041% now, has made life on this planet learn how to change and adapt, to the ever slowly reduction of the availability of one of the three most important needs that life has. Energy, normally supplied by the sun, water both fresh and salt, and carbon in a form that life can use, normally as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So if for some reason (as I have already given on different occasions ) scientist still will not sign off on why having only, .028% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was not enough to maintain the planet's plant population over the whole planet, prior to mankind's entering onto the scene. Then the plan to use the great rivers of the planet and the 80,000,000 refugees as the labor force needed to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet that will remove the "EXTRA" carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, will still do what the scientist say would be necessary to reduce the negative effects of manmade carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, at a very low cost while improving the available food sources of the planet. (many will ask, how can I say that the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been reduced by over a 1000 times, but you must remember the atmosphere of our planet, was much denser and many times so, then what it is now! There are many reasons that our atmosphere is much lighter, the main one that matters to mankind is the removal of carbon dioxide by plant life that a very small part of, is slowly lost by water and soil erosion, when we are talking billions of years, even a tiny little amount each year add up and that is where the planet is at right now! So does it matter if I am right about how long our planet has left until the levels of carbon dioxide drop down so low in the atmosphere before c-3 plants can no longer survive, for the next 100 years NO! After that yes, if mankind is to remain a viable life-form on the planet! For the next 100 years, what matters is that mankind replants as much of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, many will feel this is only to remove the extra manmade carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, so as to maintain the "status quo". By that time scientists will have had enough time and information to realize that only a thinking and acting species (mankind) can prevent life from slowly disappearing from the planet! Reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  or keep reading more about "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" at my website  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank You, Dan


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