239 Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind does have the ability to change rainfall pattern's in Califoria because it is border by an ocean!

Basically, what would need to be done is to create miles and miles of ocean spray that would catch the prevailing winds, which would increase the evaporation of ocean water that in turn would create more clouds and therefore more rainfall! When a center-pivot irrigation system in a place like Nebraska is working during daylight hours almost 50% of the water does not reach the ground but evaporates into the atmosphere, and this is when the water is only sprayed up 15 to 20 feet, that is why these systems are much more efficient when run at night. Yes, a lot of thought would have to be put into such an undertaking, trial and error would need to be done over a long period of time! The benefits to the rainfall patterns of the whole west coast would decrease the drought conditions caused by normal weather patterns and also the changes caused by Global Warming! We are not talking about a small amount of spray, but an immense amount of options of when to turn on some and not others, only a computer program would be able to learn what needs would work at what time. There would be many, many, many obstacles to overcome, salt water is much harder on equipment than freshwater is, a power source would have to be found that would work in extreme weather, I would use tidal and wave power, as the first choice, as they are consistent, and almost free. Solar and wind could work as backups! Over time we could reduce the number of fires along the whole west coast, but as with any system that is created by man in trying to improve on nature, we can expect a long learning curve. The benefits could make a dramatic difference in life on the west coast! The cost of installing and then maintaining such a system would be fairly large in the beginning, but would become profitable by the increased production of agriculture for the whole west coast, once the bugs would be worked out. We have changed the planet's weather already, now let's go about making a better planet, that only mankind can do!     

    Reach me at 402-890-7946 or e-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  or continue reading more about "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" Keep telling people about that crazy guy in Nebraska who thinks that he can repair almost any problem that mankind needs to repair! Thank you, Dan  

    I was wondering if the beaver was the planet's first attempt at extending carbon-based life on the planet, for they do many things that speed's up the carbon cycle, as do many of the smaller animals that live in very large colonies containing burrows and also reducing tree growth. Fire, also may play a significant role in removing carbon from midterm sequestration bringing it back into the fast recycle arena! But none of these species could reintroduce long-term sequestrated carbon as mankind can, not only did we speed up the short-term carbon cycle, by becoming a agricultural based society, preventing the planet from entering and next, last, and neverending ice age by around 3,500 years! But by converting limestone into cement and digging up fossil fuels we started rebuilding the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to the point, where with the planet's loss of so much cloud-cover, the remaining temperature-regulating-abilities of the planet could not maintain a consistent temperature range to prevent extreme temperature fluctuations from causing extreme weather around the globe! Only by repairing the temperature-regulating-ability of the planet, by bringing freshwater to the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet and re-extablishing the plant ground cover can that happen! No other method of both lowering the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, and creating cloud cover can mankind do, what needs to be done, for repairing Global Warming and Climate Change! Dan


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