240 Global Warming and Climate Change} Yesterday we were talking about increasing the water content above the Pacific Ocean, leading to more rain
Let's explore that scenario, in how it could be accomplished! The "power source" would be the first objective! Using the rise and fall of large ships, especially those tied down to the ocean floor by cables would be able to make the very most of the movement of the oceans, both tidal and wave, there are thousands of single hull ships that would be available for very little cost to act as the piston of a compressor or electric motor to convert the rise and fall of many ton ships into air or electric power. Or the push and pull of waves could be converted in the same way. excess energy production could be sent to shore for use on land whenever there would be no need to increase water vapor, into the atmosphere, Each "Ship" area would have no need to store gasoline or diesel, but would need backup battery power, either recharged by the movement of the ship, or solar or wind-generated d.c power. There would need to have a connection to other "Ships" via computer so that the programs could both be activated and checked by backup systems. Each "ship could also act as a scientific center for both students and scientist to learn more, not only about how the weather was being affected, but also for studies along many lines of inquiries, from sea life, all the way to the study of the stars, due to the lack of light pollution, if far enough out to sea. These "Ship platform could either be locked in place so that no movement of the seas would be felt, or would raise and fall or move side to side. If locked in place all of the energy collection would be internally collected. This would depend on the distance to the seafloor! Once the power source would be in place, the next step would be the installation of the fountain jets that would shoot the seawater in the surrounding air, the amounts and height would have to be tied into the directions of the winds. Since this is such a new field of both study, and actual use, to create increased rainfall amounts over the west coast, a lot of information would need to be gathered. How many square miles of surface spray would be needed to affect rainfall amount may be very great or just a little extra water vapor in the air may make a huge difference in rainfall amounts. My guess is that since most of the states of Washington, and Oregon, have quite a bit more rainfall than California, it may not take thousands of miles, or even hundreds of miles of additional water vapor to create a slightly wetter west coast? The saving every year of the cost of fighting and replacing all of the damages caused by wild-fires, and the increased production of food, along with a new supply of electricity, plus all of the new areas of study that these new platforms would allow, add up to a major change in the whole economy of the west coast. Another plus would come from the increase of oxygen in the affected waters by the pumping of the water, increasing both plant and sea-life which should help with restoring and improving such life. This new way of affecting our planet in a positive way would work very well in with the "life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" where new freshwater is being created to bring more plant life to all of the west coasts, thereby helping to reset more of the planet's own temperature regulating ability that is becoming more and more important as the levels of man-made carbon dioxide is being increased in the atmosphere!
One important factor in creating more rainfall over the west coast of North America is the much cooler temperatures of the pacific ocean than on the eastern coast of the Atlantic ocean where water temperatures are around 16 degrees Fahrenheit warmer. These much cooler temperatures on the west coast directly relate to how much evaporation and therefore moisture content are in the air on the west coast. Moisture content in the air and rainfall are directly tied together, however, winds are just as important, increasing cloud cover over the ocean without winds moving these clouds eastward would become another way to lower the sun's ability to evaporate more water. Even the timing of when to increase the moisture content into the atmosphere and when that newly water ladened air reaches the areas targeted for more rainfall would need to be understood
I can be reached by e-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or by phone at 402-890-7946, or to read more about repairing the planet in a timely fashion, go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank You, Dan
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