241 Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has had the ability to change this planet for the better for years, but other then pollution laws!

They have not done much, I really should not be saying "they" because we are all "they"! It has been easy to see how to get rid of "RED TIDES" for 20 years ever since it was discovered that nitrogen runoff of farms was the cuprite. This nitrogen fertilizer made life in the gulfs explode using up what little oxygen was in the water, which is much less than the 21% that is in the atmosphere, once the oxygen was depleted, life in that part of the ocean or sea died, (if it could not move away) and red tides were what was made. Only the movement of the waters allowed the oxygen to be slowly returned and the red tides were washed away. So how does mankind repair this problem, without causing unintended consequences? We cannot stop run-off from farmers' fields (yes we can reduce the run-off and farmers have done much towards that end, but stop it no) so there are two ways to fix this problem! My first choice is explained in "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" but the quickest fix would be to install solar or tide powered air pumps that would force air down into the water just as we need to do in a fish aquarium, because of the lack of transfer of atmospheric oxygen into those tanks, normally done by wave action, yes we would be talking about thousands of such pumps, but the saving of so much fish and sea life would more than pay for a well-made pump that would not need constant care or replacement. These pumps would not just maintain the ocean or sea life but could easily increase that life due to the growth of plants and animals due to both the extra nitrogen and increased oxygen levels. But what do we do, we decide that it is all the farmer's fault for using nitrogen to increase their farm yield so that they can feed the world! Guys, we can not have it both ways, just as we can not reduce our need for using fossil fuels to maintain and improve mankind's life on this planet, because we have not taken the time to understand what the planet is really going through. Never in our planet's history has carbon dioxide in the atmosphere been as low as it has been starting around 2.5 million years ago, and this was not in any way caused by mankind's actions, we were not even around 2.5 million years ago! But what do we do, blame mankind! There is nothing to blame, it is simply a universal law that states that perpetual motion is impossible even on a planetary scale, sooner or later some requirement for life is going to slowly run out. Scientists talk about the great "Oxidation Event" that changed what type of life could survive using the slowly changing make-up of the density and type of gases in the planet's atmosphere. I  see this in a different way, not that the tiny increases of oxygen poisoned the existing life that developed to use the gases that were in the atmosphere. But that the carbon dioxide both in the much denser atmosphere and the parts per million slowly decreased over many millions of years, which caused a change in the type of plants that could make use of the new ratio of these gases. And the increase in animal life that could make use of the ever-increasing oxygen level that was changing not just by the break-down of carbon dioxide into by-products that included oxygen, but also by the slow sequestration of carbon by erosion and the conversion of life to rocks such as limestone and other carbon-bearing rocks. This reduced the density of the atmosphere many times over, which also by the removal of carbon made the percentage of oxygen higher without actually increasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, thereby causing existing plant life to die, making it look like it was being poisoned by increasing amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere. We see this in the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere, which is around 78%, nitrogen is a very rare element on this planet, but it is very stable in the atmosphere, which is extremely important since plant life depends greatly upon its availability for its existence! When the atmosphere of the planet was first formed over 4 billion years ago the level of nitrogen, was probably less than 5%, did the planet's crust outgas all of this nitrogen? No, there is almost no nitrogen in the planet's crust, but as the density of the atmosphere slowly reduced over time, mainly by the sequestration of carbon both by soil erosion and limestone formation, then the percentage of nitrogen would increase without the addition of any nitrogen at all. Mankind has made the making of money, as the sole reason for working, and then converting this money into the necessarily of life, my plan to repair the planet has one more step built into it, it is the creation of farmland from arid and semi-arid areas of the plant by adding the waters of the rivers of the planet to do so, or by gathering waters to replenish the glaciers of the planet, or by increasing the amount of rainfall by increasing evaporation of the seas and oceans of the planet, once these are started then the money will follow, by increasing food production around the planet. which will reduce wars, conflicts, and many reasons for the dissatisfaction of people around the planet. But this only works, if people and not corporations are doing the work and being paid for their efforts, we do not need any more banana republics, where greedy corporations use almost free labor to rape the planet and its people! Reach me in Nebraska in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or by e-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  or read more able "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" by going to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you and keep telling everyone about the crazy guy in Nebraska who knows how to repair the planet and make millions of people very happy in being their own boss with enough land to do so! Dan


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