243 Global Warming and Climate Change} Why do we not repair this planet when the evidence is overwhelming that we could do so on many fronts?

It's because of the "Status Quo," change is always the very hardest thing to do. How many sayings are there that relate directly to maintaining this "Status Quo?" I will let you think about that, we pretend that we change, but we are only fooling ourselves. We pretend that we treat everyone, no matter of color, or sex, age, or beauty, the same. If someone is treated differently it's either their own fault, or perhaps others are prejudice but not them. We read about politicians, in the past that were terrible people, but kept being re-elected over and over, and then 40 years pass their deeds are written about, and what happens we elect their children for the same office! There are two possibilities, first is just name recognition perhaps their parents talked about them when this generation was young. the second is more problematic they understand the type of people that they are voting for, and isn't it better to have someone in office who wants to stay in office for the power it gives them and therefore they will help their constituents with backroom deals! And isn't that why you put certain people in charge so that they are looking after the ones who voted them in? (I think Reagan called this the Trickle-down theory of economics) HOW, WHY, can we not learn, or do we deep down believe, that we need to be lead by people that understand that they are truly better than the people they are elected to lead! Does this come from deep in our past where Emperors of China, Pharaohs of Egypt, Kings of Europe, were considered as Gods or at least closer to being a God, then the lowly people they ruled over? Is this why Lenin, in Russia had the whole family of Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia, murdered to remove any hint of some royal family member coming back into power because of them, simply being royal? And yet you put forth any of these ideas and people will angrily tell you that you are an idiot, and do not understand anything! Most people are good at heart, and many will stop and help in a pinch, not so many will help in an emergency, if there is any risk at all to themselves. When people do what truly needs to be done we call them heroes and many times they are, but many times they are only doing what anyone should do in such a situation! We become so dependant on what we call first responders, we forget that we too can truly help others, it can be as little as learning CPR, or the Heimlich maneuver, or just being there when someone simply needs a shoulder to cry on, or a hand because times are tough! 100 years ago, people understood that your neighbors were someone to help when times were hard, not just when times were easy. now we do not even know our neighbors, but we do know how to use our phones for just about everything! I can be reached by phone at 404-890-7946 or by G-mail at danielkadavy212@gmail.com  if you would like more information, without talking to me you can go to my site at   https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan


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