245 Global Warming and Climate Change} Someone reading this post will become the 6,000th download of one of my posts for I am at 5995 now! Reach me at 402-890-7946 e-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or read more about "Life cycle of a planet @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com

The only thing I know of the people that download anything is, from what country they are at. (plus some unknowns) There have been over 30 countries, NONE has contacted me at any time in the last 13 months I understand that 6000 downloads in that time frame and spread out over 240 posts, is not very much when compared to almost anyone else. However, to not receive even one comment must mean something, I just do not know what, is someone blocking that from happening, if so for what purpose! If someone out there would explain why this is, I would love to hear about that. With-in seconds of me placing a new post online I receive between 6 and 8 hits and by the time I write a new post I will have about 11 to 20 hits on average over the last 4 months. Yet I have no followers, I have written over 500,000 words according to "Grammarly" on the subject of my short 12-page paper titled "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" When I first started this most important subject (because no one else had done so) I went and got a second phone and a second number so that when the expected calls would come in, my mainline that is also my business line would not be overwhelmed by this new line of inquiry that I felt would happen! There was no need for me to include that exclamation point in the last sentence for there were no phone calls on that new line. I give my phone number that I keep on me 24/7 and receive calls on it every day from friends and family and business acquaintances. After almost every post, I include that, my e-mail address, and how to get to my blogsite. So again, please someone reach me in the USA at 402-890-7946 or e-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com I feel like I am on a deserted island with unlimited bottles that I keep putting into the ocean for someone to receive and rescue the paper that explains the only way to prevent all life on time planet from slowly vanishing due to the sequestration of carbon over the last 4 BILLION years that carbon has been the mainstay of that life! Thank you, Dan 


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