248 Global Warming and Climate Change} Could we do testing on how much we could increase both rainfall and humidity over the west coast!

Humidity does play an important role in droughts and fire prevention in forests, not just increased rainfall! However, to test how to make a change in rainfall amounts should not be that difficult, by increasing the evaporation of the oceans over the Baha peninsula where normal rainfall amounts are in the 4 inches per year range, using a couple of acres of piping out into the ocean to spray ocean water up into the atmosphere and check how much, both the humidity and rainfall increases at different location down-wind of the test site.  Perhaps the most difficult part would be in the timing and the height of spray to make sure of the complete removal of any salts and the placement of any moisture where intended. The use of stationary weather balloons at different heights and sending wind speeds and direction along with temperatures would help in meeting some of the requirements necessary for such a project! As with any such project, how the winds blow would be of vital need in when such a plan would work, and perhaps rainfall could fall almost at any time but the winds would not be blowing at your intended target but may work out for another area in need of extra moisture. The power source would need to be of several different types ranging from wind and solar to the more dependable, tidal power, two high tides, and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes, 365 days a year. One thing to remember would be the increase of ocean life by this same action that would both increase oxygen levels in the surrounding areas, and with the right placement of the platform that could be used for collecting tidal power and house the spraying mechanisms, would greatly increase the fish population that always find such platforms an attractive place to be! Remember every action taken, may result in unintended benefits and consequences! The ability of using platforms or old shipping vessels, will greatly reduce much of the initial cost and could generate income in their own right by allowing the general public access to these platforms for both research, study, and income from the increased fish availability. Two or more platforms could even be used for harvesting seaweed and algae with only the addition of ropes and pulleys and stripping knives. By making all of this outside income available, to interested parties, less cost would be incurred, and more knowledge learned, while providing work for local individuals! As always I can be reached if anyone would choose to do so @ 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at  daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  (or keep reading at)  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you, Dan      


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