249 Global Warming and Climate Change} Does becoming a specialist in your field, limit your vision on what is going on?
In the field of climate study, there are lots of study's that try to add to mankind's knowledge of what is causing the increasingly extreme weather that we have been seeing over the last few decades! Some of these study's look at the production of methane by cattle, termites, oil wells, decomposition of man-made waste, warming area of permafrost that as it melts releases its store of methane into the atmosphere, even the possibility of warmer oceans releasing vast amounts of methane that only stay in suspension because of its cooler temperature! This is because methane is considered a greenhouse gas that is around 23 times as potent as carbon dioxide in converting the sun's energy to heat, but also breaks down quicker in the atmosphere, so its effect is not as long term as carbon dioxide. Other studies, try to explain all of the ways that mankind has increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, this is not limited to the use of fossil fuels, but also includes the deforestation of the planet, the production of concrete (a very large source of carbon dioxide production), the wildfires all around the planet, the increase of farmlands to better feed the planet's inhabitants by the removal of trees to both increase the acreage and to allow pivot irrigation to increase yields! Then there is the study's that includes the loss of ice that is staged on the planet, this includes shrinking glaciers, increasing calving of icebergs into oceans, the loss of albedo effort (reducing how much of the sun's energy is being reflected back into space), the decreasing water availability of rivers downstream of retreating glaciers, and studies that talk about the loss of winter activities such as ice-fishing, skiing both downhill and cross country and even the loss to farmers of frost cycles that pay a role in soil conditioning! And then there are study's that look into rising sea levels due to the reduction of ice on the planet that tries to understand all of the ramifications, such as the need for sea walls, increasing storm surges, making some low lying islands and areas, uninhabitable without major cost that cannot be justified as to the benefits of the monies outlaid. Every study that is done, does add to mankind's knowledge but may not add to our understanding of why the planet is slowly losing its ability, both for regulating its temperature and reducing the formulation of arid and semi-arid areas around the planet. This is what mankind has to address, only by understanding that we cannot repair the planet by addressing its symptoms, and fail to understand the root cause of the problem, which is and has been, the slow loss of available carbon mainly as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the 4 billion years of the existence of carbon-based life on this planet! So as scientist become a specialist in their field of studies, yes they learn much about a single discipline, and that is what gives them credence, and even perhaps tenure, but that does not explain the causal effect. It is only causality in terms of why we determine that mankind is at fault by the reintroduction of 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We do not go farther than mankind as an explanation of what is happening, because we have seen all of the problems that mankind has caused on this planet since we have been on this planet. That list is longer than "WAR and PEACE" so I have no need to go there! But there are lots of examples of extinction events on this planet and events with grave consequences that mankind either was not around for or had no part in doing. Most involved changes in gas concentration in the atmosphere or density of the atmosphere itself, but these were slow extinctions over millions of years, not fast extinctions caused by asteroids strikes or super-volcanic events. Well, we just happen to be here on this planet at the last great extinction event, that unless life can begin again with something other than a carbon-based life-form, then "ONLY" a thinking and "ACTING" species can maintain the planet's life by reintroducing carbon back into the atmosphere in a sufficient quantity for there to be abundant plant life on the whole planet, minus the antarctic and places covered by ice, (this point of staging and maintaining ice on the planet, is not for the planet's ability to maintain life, but to help all species on this planet, including mankind, to have a much slower transition to change, some of the most fertile places on the planet occur in either very cold waters in the ocean's, or as seen by bird migrations, in the cold, northern and southern hemispheres!) And I like everyone else on the planet is resistant to major changes in how life on this planet is affected! I am not a religious individual, however, many scientists would exclaim that the chances that mankind would have evolved just in the nick of time, (in geological time) to be here on this planet when only a thinking and acting species can "SAVE" the planet from a slow death, is mathematically unlikely (to say the least)! So perhaps, we really are on this planet at this time to do just that, we have not blown up ourselves, or caused mankind to be irrelevant, and to slowly begin to understand that the planet is not too big for mankind to have an impact on its ability to sustain life in all of its forms! Well, call me, 402-890-7946, e-mail me, daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or continue reading more, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, dan
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