250 Global Warming and Climate Change} Let's agree that man does have the ability to alter the planet for both good and bad where do we now go?
This really is the point is it not, mankind's need of producing both income and housing, is what is used to drive a money-based economy! Well, that is exactly what my plan works on, for repairing our planet's lost temperature regulation ability, by the replanting of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by using the water from all of the great rivers of the planet in doing so. This will give millions of people a place to live and produce food and other goods, for the benefit of all mankind, while improving the Gross Worldwide Income, instead of costing everyone on the planet money that can not easily be spared. This is the way that mankind can alter the planet for the much better, or mankind can try to remove the extra 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and attempt to get the extreme weather simply back to what it was 50 years ago, at great expense, for minimal improvement that most scientists say is too little too late! Or decide to do nothing which will, in the long run, cost much more than just a lot of money! The question is not how to repair the planet the best and most efficient way that can be done as stated in "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy", but why not do it this one and only this way!!! As always reach me @ 402-890-7946 or e-mail me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or keep reading more @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com
This post was written on 10/20/2020 almost a year and 5 months ago, yet I posted my paper "Life cycle of a planet" in August 2019 and have only received two people's questions, how would the action of using the "plan" affect the largest city in America? And from an Ex-brother in law who seems to like the "plan" but wants to know if mankind can answer the question about why we are here on a deeper belief than religion can entertain? ( On that score I have no idea, and perhaps I miss-interpreted his response)
So in two years, and 7 months I have only received 2 inquiries, yet over 13,000 "hits" many from the 20 or so people that download my post whenever I can post something new. I do not understand! I do understand that mankind has turned into 60 second or shorter "soundbiters" in the mistaken belief that everything can be reduced into very short reading material so that people can now feel informed on the issues of the day quickly and therefore no real in-depth follow-up is needed!
It took me almost 50 years to understand the true nature and cause of why the planet entered into and out of ice-ages starting around 2.5 Million years ago, reading countless articles on many subjects that at first glance had no relationship to why, yet the fundamental reasons where found in many places, that underscored just how inter-related life on this planet is! Once mankind came onto the scene, little changed until our population out-grew being a "hunter-gatherer" Society. Once, agricultural practices came into common usage, we started affecting the short-term carbon cycle to the benefit of the whole planet. Yet at the same time both ourselves and nature started causing the increase of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. This, in turn, started the slow loss of the temperature regulating abilities of planet-wide cloud cover, so very important.
How can such an important topic that is also so inter-related to so many aspects of the working of our planet ever be put into the "now necessary 60-second sound-bite", without becoming a meanless side-show? Politicians and those in charge, only understand enough of any one subject in how it relates to their staying in power or how to use the information for increasing that power, yes that is a very sweeping and perhaps disingenuous and not likely to help my cause in capturing the public attention, on this most important subject ever! The saving of all Carbon-based life on the planet which does include all of mankind!
Thank you, and keep telling others about the crazy guy in Cortland Nebraska who can repair this planet the right and only way. Dan
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