251 Global Warming and Climate Change} I have stated why their is only one way to truly repair the planet and it does not include bandages!

We must learn from history, and not man's history, but the planet's history! We need to understand that it is not always about us! We seem to either see mankind, as this genuinely evil species on the planet, or as an insignificant, temporary blight on the planet and if we can not learn, then we will go the way of the dinosaurs or the dodo bird! Neither point of view is even remotely correct! We are no different than most species on this planet, we reproduce, we do all we can to survive in a hostile climate of both weather, other species from viruses to lions, and from each other! As the centuries pass, we strive to learn, improve, and find common ground. In the beginning, it was about every tribe against every other tribe and "everything else" on the planet. Fear was never far away! Walking on the wrong ground could pull you down into quicksand, drinking unknown water could poison you, not getting back to the safety of the cave by nightfall could be a death sentence, No different, than most of the other species on the planet. We could have easily become extinct and perhaps some form of us did many times! Remember, evolution is not about improvement, it is about adaptation to changing needs and norms! Mankind's ability to create changes in its environment has reduced some of the need for the survival of the fittest, we could now care for the old, handicapped, individuals who could add to their communities in other ways than brute force! The biggest thing was that knowledge gained, could be passed down from one generation to another! But this knowledge was not passed down as if it was always of great importance but was found and lost, many times over the years and centuries! Think of one of your favorite meals from your great aunt or grandmother, how jealously, they would guard those recipes, only many times to be lost, much knowledge was lost in that same manner! Knowledge especially secret knowledge was power, sometimes not to be given, even to the next generation! Even if knowledge was passed down, the next generation did not always want it, or make use of it. Most people on the planet could not even tell you their great grandparent's names, or where they lived, or what they did. I can only go back to my grandparents, and no farther, and do not know much of their lives, or anything really of their day-to-day living. Every day some knowledge is lost, some are rediscovered, some are new knowledge! Yesterday I was reading about a newly "flying dinosaurs" that had been discovered 50 years ago and put away in a museum, only to be rediscovered 2 years ago, and changes how we should look at how they adapted 100 million years ago! This is the same as the sequestration of carbon, dating back to the start of all life on the planet, am I the first person to believe that this is of major importance to the continuation of all life on the planet? I doubt that, but I do believe that rocking the boat has never been considered good for a scientist's reputation? Very few would wish to challenge, a long-standing belief system, back almost religiously by older more established scientists that grew up with the knowledge that the planet has been doing its own thing for billions of years, without any help from us! Why now? Good thing I am not a scientist, I could see myself meeting other scientists in smoky backrooms trying to get enough people together to get this new way of seeing 100,000,000,000 gigatons of past life in the form of limestone as a problem and not just another day in the life of a planet, and then denounced as a new type of heretic and my junior scientist card burnt on the altar of science, and my slide rule and pocket shirt protector ripped away (shows you how old I am). Well, I do ramble on, call me at 402-890-7946, e-mail daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or continue reading @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  As always keep telling others about the want-a-be junior scientist in Nebraska who thinks that he knows precisely how we need to repair the planet! Thank you, Dan 


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