252 Global Warming and Climate Change} We have talked about how to truly repair the planet, not from mankind replacment of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but from the slow relentless sequestration on carbon by life itself
As been proven by thousands of experimentations, perpetual motion is not possible on any scale, from very small, handheld devices to large hydroelectric plants that need the energy from the sun to produce rainfall in the amounts necessary to replace the water that is used as the energy source! Even the Sun's energy is not constant or everlasting, it is expected to gradually increase by about 1% every 100,000,000 years, and then as the fuel source of the Sun (hydrogen) is finally exhausted it will go into using another fuel source that will doom all of the inner planets as they will be consumed by its increase in size and energy output, thankfully that will not happen for billions of years! So while the Sun is as close to a perpetual motion machine as we will ever see, it is not one, and by definition, it is not something that can reuse energy forever, so it really does not fall under the definition of, perpetual motion, as used by mankind! But as nothing can be a perpetual motion machine, the term is only about a concept that cannot exist! So when we consider our planet as a neverending source of life, we say that the Sun is the outside energy source that makes perpetual life possible! Perpetual life has the same problems that perpetual motion has, just as no man-made machine can keep reusing the same energy, forever, the planet cannot keep reusing the same requirements that life calls for forever! There is proof of this on every part of the planet, sometimes it is the lack of rainfall that restricts life, sometimes it is the temperature that restricts life, many times it is the elevation that restricts life (this one shows us just how fast low amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a major cause of what we call treeline elevation. Which proceeds down as temperatures drops and the atmosphere thins out) A quick rule of thumb in the northern hemisphere is for every 1,000 miles north the treeline drops by 1,000 feet, we have in the past always associated this with the drop in temperature as we go north, but much of the cause is due to the lowering availability of carbon dioxide in a thinner atmosphere which combines with cooler temperatures to reduce treeline elevations! Then we get to the major losses of what life requires, starting with nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphates, and then the micronutrients, which are both numerous and varying depending on each type of plant needs. This loss shows up quickest where soils are the shallowest such as in tropical rainforest and the removal of the very nutrients that such areas need for new replacement growth! Then we come to loss of carbon by carbon sequestration over billions of years, that has left between 60 billion gigatons and 100 billion gigatons locked away as limestone (one gigaton is one billion tons) all past life, that is no longer available for new life, locked away unless when, the slow plate movements of the planet brings it into contact with a hot enough area to cause the limestone to vaporize back into carbon dioxide, normally only at areas where tectonic plates meet! Even then one plate is risen up and may not cause the limestone to vaporize or even melt but to become new hills or mountains, to continue being locked away from being used for life, and the other plate is driven down, deep under and may or may not be subject to becoming molten lava! There is simply too much locked away carbon on this planet, for there to be abundant life on the whole planet, that is one of the main reasons that over 25% of the land surface of the planet is either arid or semi-arid! If all of the surface areas of the planet had abundant life, it would have to be either c-4 plant life, of comprised of cam plants life, for only those two types of plants can survive with the levels of carbon dioxide that would be in the atmosphere, but with the very low water respiration that both of those plant family have in common, both the cloud formation and rainfall would suffer over the whole planet, drastically changing the climate of the planet with there being too many variables to say for sure how the world-wide temperatures would be affected! As always I can be reached at 404-890-7946 or e-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or continual reading about "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Keep tell others about the crazy guy from Nebraska that knows how to repair the planet! Thank you, Dan
Sorry, on two major points, there is believed to be between 60 MILLION and 100 MILLION gigatonnes of limestone on the planet that was once life, 1 Gigaton is one billion tons.My phone number is 402-890-7946 in Nebraska, USA 1201 South 12th Road Cortland Nebraska! Dan