254 Global Warming and Climate Change} I have already explain that with-out mankind appearance on this planet, it would be in the last ice-age!
Let's revisit this so that we can understand why! When the planet entered into the series of ice ages around 2,500,000 years ago, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was only around 190 parts per million and dropping. With the planet sequestrating around 10 gigatonnes of carbon a year and natural recovery by volcanoes, undersea vents, and other heat-related events, 3 gigatonnes of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide were being released back into the atmosphere, for a net loss of around 7 gigatonnes of carbon a year, year in and year out. Yes, there were times in the last 2.5 million years that events happened such as supervolcanoes as in "Yellowstone" brought back more carbon dioxide then the planet was sequestering, but overall carbon is lost much faster than it is replaced. The best estimate is that the planet has sequestrated around 2,500,000 years x 7 gigatonnes per year = 17,500,000 gigatonnes of carbon almost all of it had been stored in the vast waters of the oceans of the planet! Now there are only around 39,000 gigatonnes of carbon left in the oceans, not nearly enough to allow the planet to go through another period of ice being staged on "her"! I am really mystified, as to how mankind just happened to become the first and only thinking and acting species, at just the right time as to prevent the loss of almost every type of life, due to the natural occurring sequestration of carbon! After billions of years of carbon-based life, using and reusing, carbon, normally in the form of carbon dioxide, mankind happens to come along with just a few thousand years of carbon dioxide left for life to continue, and begins increasing the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, from a form that could not easily be used by any other species on the planet! Perhaps in time, evolution would have made use of the limestone, by producing bacteria that would learn to eat limestone and other carbon-bearing rocks, which in turn would begin releasing vast amounts of carbon back into the atmosphere, and in the process kill off aerobic life on the planet (basically meaning all animal life) and the planet could start again with some new types, of carbon-based life, or not! So to summarize, it has been shown to take between 40,000 years and 120,000, years for an ice age to produce enough ice on the planet to release enough carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere to warm up the planet enough for another inter-glaciation period to begin but with sequestration removing around 7 gigatonnes each year, all of the available carbon dioxide on the planet and in the waters would be no longer available after much less than 10,000 years, meaning a never-ending ice-age, an no more carbon-based life! (A very small amount of life would find a way, "black smokers deep in the oceans, and other such islands of carbon dioxide production, would continue) Call me at 402-890-7946, g-mail me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or continue reading more about "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" Thank you, and keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska that know how to repair the planet, and "the only correct way" to do so! Dan
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