258 Global Warming and Climate Change} Up until just a 100 years ago we did not really see this planet as our home!

Even now, when asked where you are from, normally the nearest town is where start, maybe if it is a small town you will say that, it is so far from a town that you would expect the person asking would know, then maybe the state or province, or if you are visiting a foreign country you might say what country you are from! Very few people would ever say something like, I am from New York, New York, United States of America, on the continent of North America, Earth, But if somehow mankind can overcome the speed of light problem, so that interstellar flight could become a feasible option. And we could meet other beings from other planet's then yes we could use that salutation, which then could have a real need for being that accurate! I myself will not hold my breath that mankind could ever overcome the speed of light dilemma, which could make space travel outside of our own solar system possible. But again, no one has ever explained how after the "Big Bang" everything was already light-years apart in the first second? About the time of human fight, mankind started seeing the planet somewhat differently, and with the first pictures from space, many peoples views started to radically change, just the fact that the astronauts would circle the planet in only 90 minutes, made the planet so much smaller than we ever had seen it before! For many, the final picture was from the trip to the moon as we watched the place we all call home shink down to the size of, a blue marble, talk about making one think how small we all are, just a quarter of a million miles from home! And about this time some of the governments of the planet did start to clean up their acts about pollution, land management, and public spaces! Even, places such as China, are starting to include environmental issues in their long term views of how we need to treat a planet with finite resources. Yet we still see carbon as a limitless resource, I am not sure why the disconnect, evidently carbon is the only perpetual element on the planet no matter what form it is in? Yes, elements can not be destroyed except by something such as fusion or fission, but it can be sequestrated from use by the form it turns into, I.E. carbon dioxide into limestone! The need for repairing the planet because of its loss of some of its temperature-regulating ability, which directly is related to the loss of adequate caron dioxide in the atmosphere starting around 2.5 million years ago which increased arid and semi-arid areas around the planet as a result of diminishing carbon dioxide over the last 2.5 million years. All of this has to be taken into account, on how to repair the planet, and it can only be repaired by reversing the process that caused the main issue in the first place. By now most people on this planet realize that our only home, is here, not on some distant planet because we failed to repair this one! Even if space travel between planet's become possible, our planet will need to always be the home for our species if we can not make this planet habitable forever, how could we hope to do that somewhere else? As always you can reach me by phone 402-890-7946, or g-mail me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   Or continue reading @  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you, and keep spreading the "Word" about the crazy guy in Nebraska that knows exactly how to repair our one and only place to call home! Dan


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