259 Global Warming and Climate Change} Someone said that I must be a climate denier, if what I say is true?

I have written over 500,000 words about how to repair this planet, in this last year! Not one way that I have put forth in repairing the planet, is at odds it what climate scientists say, will help bring down extreme weather events around the planet! Does the current scientific community understand what the underlining problem is, NO! But have they come to understand the symptoms, YES! This is why I have tried to enter into the discussion. So NO I AM NOT A CLIMATE DENIER, but yes we MUST repair the planet only one way and that is to undo what low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last 2.5 million years has caused on this planet, and that is NOT done by merely adding carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere of the planet! There are parts of the "plan" that goes beyond what the planet has done, that is replacing ice back onto the planet, this is not for the planet's sake, but for mankind's. When the planet's carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are enough for there to be abundant plant life around the world, there has always been, minimal ice on the planet, which means a lot higher sea level, which is not something that would help mankind in the short run, in the long run, I believe that mankind could easily work with the changing coastlines. 1000 years from now, there would be more usable, not less land available, than we now have! But 20% of the population of the planet would need to be moved either inland or to the new areas of the planet that would then be available. Next post I will explain, but you should be able to work that out on your own! But mankind does have the ability to maintain the "status quo" of sea levels by putting the "plan" into action, Over the next ten generation or so mankind may very well learn how to have the best of both worlds, but we got to get it right first! There are way's that mankind can reduce some of the disaster events that a living planet (meaning a planet with a hot molten core) has, by installing pressure-releasing valves that do less damage than the active volcanoes that the planet uses! Iceland does a nice job in some areas by using this internal heat for themselves, much study is needed along these lines. One that I have always liked was producing vast quantities of building materials out of hot lava and making super-insulated homes with the by-produces of these pressure-releasing actions that would be available around the planet! Call me at 402-890-7946 G-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   read more @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan

    Many times, like I am doing now when several people will have looked at a post several months after I had posted it I will assume that the post struck a chord with someone and they told someone else, so I will repost it perhaps even with additional information which I feel pertains to the original post.



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