260 Global Warming and Climate Change} Explaining why there would be more usable land with the planet having minimal ice!

Antarctica, in the past, has had a full complement of life on it, even with the vast differences in the lengths of days and nights, much of Greenland, Iceland, and both Canada and Russia would become much more temperate of a climate! All of this would increase the total habitable areas of the planet, yet over time over 20%  of the people of the planet would have to be moved higher up as the sea levels would rise! The net effect of all of this change would increase land on the northern, and southern hemispheres while decreasing the net land areas around other parts of the planet. Mankind has the ability to decide what type of planet they would like, or a mixture of both. How would the planet's people, choose what type of planet would be best? That would be far into the future if the "plan" is put into action as I have outlined, in "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" There would not be much of a temperature change over the planet and it would be relatively easy to increase or decrease how much ice that is being staged at any given time to help maintain whatever amount of ice is needed for downstream use. (I am not talking about short periods of time such as years, but time as in decades and centuries, this is the time frames that our planet works with, think of the difference between weather and climate.) There are many things that mankind can control on this planet and there are a few things that mankind can not control, what will happen when reversal of the north and south poles occur? Or earthquakes happen as they do, and the sometimes accompanying tsunamis, in just the last 100 years. Mankind's ability to adapt and even change the environment that we live in has been greatly increased, and there is no reason not to expect even more innovations in the future! As always you can call me at 402-890-7946 or g-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com Keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska that knows how to repair our planet or keep reading more @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan       


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