CCLXXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} With only 50,000 gigatonnes of "available carbon" on the planet, and losing 7 gigatonnes every year.

There can be no doubt, as to the planet's future, with-out mankind, and since mankind has already shown that we can maintain the necessary levels of carbon in the atmosphere for life on this planet as long as mankind can continue to be a viable species on the planet. This means we must remain a viable species not just for ourselves, but for life on the planet as a whole! This also means that while we have enough new carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere to replant almost all of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, so that the new increase in cloud cover and rain, will help re-establish much of the planet's lost temperature-regulating ability. We will also be reducing the yields of most C3 plants back to what it was in the 1970s, this will not be a problem because we will have also, increased the land that can produce food, by much more than the loss of yields of standard C3 plants, that relies on how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere as one of the limiting factors, for those yields! It does need to be emphasized, that as the temperature-regulating ability of the planet is rebuilt, by the increasing ground cover, plant respiration, and increasing rainfall amounts around the planet, which all help in removing extreme temperature fluctuations, and thereby decreasing extreme weather events around the planet! All of this will help in allowing a greater range of carbon dioxide to be in the atmosphere while keeping climate temperatures more uniform! It will fall to other generations, to best decide the direction that our planet will take in terms of how much ice is best to be stored. Once the major work of re-directing the rivers and streams of the planet is done, then it will fall to the farmers, fisheries, tradesmen, of the towns to get busy with re-planting and as the rainfall amounts start to increase in response to the work of millions of people around the world, life can truly become fulfilling, exciting, and not just a 9-5 job to pay the bills. Reach me at  1-402-890-7946 or keep reading about the guy in Nebraska that knows how to repair the planet and in the process, improve millions of lives who are simply looking for something better, to continue reading about how to move forward go to   Thank you, Dan


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