281 Global Warming and Climate Change} How can we truly know if the planet is really running out of Available carbon?
Math! Yes, that dreaded of all subjects, but also the easiest to verify. Prior to what we have termed the industrial age, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were in the 280 parts per million range! While the onset of an ice-age starts between 180 parts per million and 200 parts per million depending on how much sunlight is reaching the planet! I just read where scientist's stated that with the "enormous amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere "WHAT ARE THEY THINKING" there is only .0415 % of the atmosphere that is carbon dioxide! All life is based on carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, C3 plants die at around .015%, and long before that, their yields of food that mankind needs to survive, start to drop off! With-out mankind on this planet, carbon dioxide levels would drop around 2 parts per million every year, due to carbon sequestration, both by soil erosion, and by the death and burial of shell life in the waters of the planet. Meaning that if Mankind suddenly disappears from the planet, the levels of carbon dioxide will fall to below 200 parts per million in around 108 years where the final Ice-age of the planet will begin!!! There is no mechanism that this planet has that will be able to reverse this process as the internal heat of the planet continues to cool down, there-by reducing both plate tectonics and volcanoes, these are the planet's main ways of returning carbon back into the atmosphere. 100,000,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon have already been removed and taken away from being available for plant life over the last 3,000,000,000 years! Scientists are very good at math they count just about everything, right now they tell us that there is a lot of carbon-bearing rocks that are everywhere on the planet, all of which was at one point, "life" now locked away from the very life that needs it! If the planet was a perfect recycler of carbon, there would be no rocks made from past life on the planet, the very fact that there is not just a little past life buried but millions of times more than what is still available for all life! It is estimated that there are less than 50,000 gigatonnes of available carbon left on the planet, and that the planet sequestrates around 10 gigatonnes every year, but the actions of a still restless planet returns around 3 gigatonnes per year, meaning a net loss of 7 gigatonnes on average each and every year, these numbers while in the past were always causing the slow evolution of life on the planet, they also caused mass extinction events, as certain lifeforms could no longer deal with the dropping levels of life-giving carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mankind, is a very new species on this planet, and like every species, we hate change in our environment, and we are a short-lived species, normally between 70 and 80 years is a common lifespan, yet for our planet, this is simply not even a blick of an eye. Since we hate change in our environment, we try and explain it away, while we should embrace change for the better, and do our utmost to facilitate those changes, for not just mankind's sake, but for all carbon-based life on the planet s sake! I can not stress this enough, mankind is this planet's only hope, and arguing about some fault that does not exist, is detrimental to every living thing on this planet. Yes, Global Warming and Climate Change exist, but while the explanation is not what most scientists understand but the "Plan" as I have outlined it, will not just return much of the lost temperature-regulating ability to the planet, but will also maintain both ice on the planet, and keep sea-levels constant or slightly lower if enough effort would be put forth. ( Once the "Plan" starts to do what it will do, there will be those that will say that it is proof that it was man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere all along, and the "Plan" was simply the best way of removing that excess.) In the near future, that is fine but in the long run, mankind must maintain enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, so all life can continue in abundance! I can be reached by phone @ 402-890-7946 by e-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or continue reading more by going to the website hhtps://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you and keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska (currently in Utah) who knows what is really happening on this great and only planet we can call home! Dan
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