285 Global Warming and climate change} Perpetual Motion can not exist even on a planetary scale, even with, an outside energy source. A star!

The concept itself is not new, we know that even a "Star" does not last forever, but something in the range of 15,000,000,000 plus years is a long time! If we know that life on any Planet will sooner or later come up against the logistics of running out of some necessary requirement for life because nothing can be perfectly recycled forever. That too is in the same category as perpetual motion, no such thing! It then all comes down to "when" something starts to run out, how do we know? Everyone understands that we need to make trips to refill food, gas, clothes, every and anything that we use up, or wear out in life! All we need to do is look in our cupboards, check the gas gauge, but we never think about what the planet needs! 1,000 years ago we would not have understood any of this, but we can not use that excuse today! The planet does have a "gas gauge" we learned about it a while back, we just did not know how to read it. There were some of the same signs as we see when a car is getting low on gas, sputting, not much power, slowing down. We are a very short-lived species, and the planet's gas tank was tremendously large with some automatic refills, so we could not see the big picture! Now we have pictures of just about every surface of the planet from high in the sky, with great resolution, yes we miss much because of all of the water on the planet, but we can now see this planet in much better detail in the last 50 years than ever before! If we could go back in time and have the same ability to photograph our planet when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, wow life in abundance everywhere, even on Antarctica. How could we reconcile the differences between those images? The sun is putting out more energy now, than in the past. The only difference is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is many times higher, the farther back you go! Carbon dioxide is the limiting factor in how much life this planet can maintain!!! .0415% or only 415 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Argon gas is called a "rare" gas and it is .9% of the atmosphere of the planet or 9,000 parts per million over 21 times more common in the atmosphere than one of the most important gases, in the atmosphere, "carbon dioxide", and yet life still exists, but no longer in abundance, now over 25% of the land surface of the planet has minimal plant life it. Starting around 2.5 to 3 million years ago, plant life was facing the greatest challenge to its very existence, there simply was no longer enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for there to be abundant plant life on the whole planet, something had to give, and with the cooling temperature that also was caused by lower levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, wherever other stresses, other than low carbon dioxide, then these places started to lose C3 plant life, these other stresses were, rainfall levels, temperature levels both high and low, and these all formed a cascading effect so that both arid and semi-arid areas formed in many places of the planet! This then leads to a great cooling of the planet and the first ice-ages were born, which had not happened for a very long time before. So humanity now stands as the only shield that all carbon-based life has! The symptoms that mankind are seeing, are just that "symptoms", to be treated yes. But the cure is not in reducing even more carbon dioxide but in replacing some of the lost temperature-regulating ability that has been lost by the creation of so many arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. This can only be done "ONE WAY" by using all of the freshwaters of the rivers of the planet, to replant those areas, and that is where the "Plan" comes in. It's cheap, it's putting millions to work making both a better planet and creating a very nice life for them and their families, it also increases food production, it also removes contamination from entering the seas and oceans of the planet, keeps sea levels from rising, and reduces extreme weather events, "Makes a better planet for every living thing (except mosquitoes and maybe a few other bloodsuckers) on this most wonderful planet". Reach me @ 402-890-7946, or daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   or continue reading @  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you and continue telling others about that crazy guy in Nebraska who knows how to repair the only place humanity and all other carbon-based life-forms can call home! Dan


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