CCLXXV Global Warming and Climate Change} Last post we talked about the amount of available carbon that is left on the planet!

 All of the numbers that I gave you are from reputable scientific sources, you know by now that I am not a scientist! And that I also do not quote where each number comes from, I want YOU to do the research, check, check, and triple-check, everything, all numbers that I give you can be verified, and every number that I give you is stated in many places, yes there will sometimes be a range of numbers, I give you the ones that are the best-case scenario for how much is left, or how long we have got! You will ask if everyone has the same numbers that I have access to, why do I see things so differently? The easy answer is that I had started the quest of why the planet entered into the current period of having long periods of ice advancing on the planet with a very short period of inter-glacier timeframes in a cyclical nature, starting around 2.5 million years ago, over 50 years ago. Quite a while before Global Warming and Climate Change became buzzwords in our lexicon, I was looking for why "now" was the planet was going through this stage starting way back 2.5 million years! While everyone else is jumping on the Global Warming and Climate Change all caused by mankind's reintroduction of 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, in the last 3,000 years. Every time some scientists say the highest level for the last million years, I hear, the lowest levels in the last 3,500,000,000 years! Mankind was not believed to even be recognizable 2.5 million years ago at the start of the latest sets of ice-ages, so they could not have caused them, or even had any hand in their development! My concern was the cause of the ice-ages, and why we were not starting into another one already, for it is around 3,000 years overdue! One of my first thoughts was because of the "Little Ice Age" that happened just at the end of the last ice-age because of all the cold freshwater that entered into the North Atlantic ocean over just a few month periods when the great ice sheet finally collapsed over Canada that had been holding back perhaps the largest freshwater ice lake that this planet had ever seen (my guess). The Movie "The Day After Tomorrow" I believed was based on that true event. At the time I was guessing that the complete stoppage of the underwater currents of the North Atlantic Oceans was having a rebound effect by putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as the great decaying forest of Canada and Europe was slower in releasing its supply of stored carbon, so less was being sequestrated than normally, but I could not see those numbers, in the new ice core samples for that timeframe! Then I started looking at the great volcanic events in the last 13,000 years, and while there were several very large volcanic events it did not seem to be any more than during the last inter-glacier period, based on ice-coring, but that is the exact problem with ice coring, if a very large amount of carbon dioxide was suddenly released into the atmosphere you would have to look at two possibilities. First, did the volcanic action cool the planet down for a few years until the ash clouds dissipated, and then followed by a long period of warmer climate that would have removed the traces in the ice due to much more melting than normal, leaving nothing to be found in the ice-cores. That would only leave sediment coring as a possible way to find the necessary trail, but again had that volcanic explosion happened on an island that no longer existed, and a tsunami was caused that altered the sediments for a prior hundred years to be wiped away in a single event! There are so many possibilities, and mankind can only use the jigsaw pieces that it has access to. So in the end I took the only thing that I know does not change much over short periods of time, carbon sequestration by soil erosion and dying ocean life of shellfish, a seemingly fairly constant number over the last few million years. Lose 10 gigatonnes every year, gain back 3 gigatonnes, the planet's vast reservoirs of carbon had to be contained in the waters of the planet, and the 25% of the soils of the planets now mainly barren, arid and semi-arid areas. So the very fact that I was looking "far back in time", prior to the start of the ice-ages, and everyone else is looking at the time frame that contains mankind's ability to slowly change the atmosphere of the planet, there is no wonder that while the symptoms, that we all see are the same, I recognize the underlying disease, that need to be treated, not just the symptoms that will not cure the planet's woes! Call me 402-890-7946, e-mail   or to continue reading more,   Please tell others, that is the only way that a dialogue can be started not just about the crazy guy in Nebraska that knows the only true way to not only repair the planet, but also help the economic growth of mankind! Thank you, Dan   


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