CCLXXXVI Global Warming and Climate Change} What seems to be the obstacles that we have to overcome in putting the "plan" into action?

There are two, mainstream points of view, when it comes to Global Warming and climate change, First is that it is all caused by mankind's use of fossil fuels and, our agricultural practices and we need to stop all forms of generating greenhouse gases as quickly as possible, and remove the greenhouse gases to levels that were normal prior to the industrial revolution! Yes, there will be a great cost associated with repairing the planet but there is really no option if life on the planet is to survive!                                                                            The second, is that the planet is both too large to be adversely affected by mankind's actions and that carbon dioxide is what plant life needs to grow and so it is just a good fertilizer for increasing both plant life and its production of edible food, and any extreme weather is just with-in a normal range of the planet's every changing weather cycles! Why do we need to spend outrageous amounts of money to fix what does not need to be fixed, or change the way we live so a "tree hugger" can feel like they are saving the planet from "evil mankind".                                                                                                                                                There are really two more groups of people, one group is trying to figure out the best way to profit from this "crisis" that may include, buying stock in companies that work on infrastructures, such as dam's, roads, sea wall's, hurricane relief and repair, even hospital's and other supporting crisis center's. Or producing inventions that reduces mankind's need for fossil fuel uses, solar, electric, wind, tidal, even geothermal.                 The last group is by far the largest group, those that feel that, what does this have anything to do, with putting a roof over there heads or food on the table, this does not just include the working classes, but many people feel that since they have no say in how the world is run, what does it matter to them!                                      There could be one more group, but since there is, to the best of my knowledge only one person in it, "ME" it does not seem to follow the definition of a "group". I understand that perpetual motion can not exist even on a planetary scale, and why the addition of only 150 part per million of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, at a time that our planet has been running low on that very gas for millions of years. It is also causing weather extremes, that threaten mankind's environment, to the point that something needs to be done! What that something is, will fall right in line with all of the "four" other group's objectives.                               The first group wants the carbon dioxide levels to fall, by replanting as much as the water from the great rivers of the planet will sustain, this will do just that, it will also reduce sea level rise, keeping any more man-made pollution from entering the oceans, and by replacing ice being staged on the planet will help with downstream water needs, during dry times.                                                                                                                   The second group does not want to pay for what does not need to be fixed, this plan will pay for itself, and generate income by putting millions of refugees, into a beautiful life, of self-worth, pride of ownership, and leaving a better world than when they started, and great prospects for their children! A rising tide raises all ships, meaning the more middle class there are on the planet then everyone benefits in time.                       The third group can still profit by investing in both inventions and infrastructure, those are always a good but somewhat risky adventure, but needed, and can make others rich just as "the computer" made so many millions better off than before!                                                                                                                            The fourth group, will simply have more options in life, there will be new opportunities all over the planet, just as train and plane travel, greatly increased everyone's ability to both travel and move, this new way of living with our planet as a partner and not as something that needed to be overcome or conquer, will open new worlds of discovery and innovation, the more options in life, the better.                                                       The Last group "ME" for the next 100 years or so, will not matter if it stays at one, but there will come a time that mankind will need to actively maintain the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at some agreed-upon level, this will also be in conjunction with how much ice will be needed to be maintained, for the type of life that not mankind but "HUMANITY" wishes to help make the planet and all of the life it can support a treasure! I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946, or at or keep reading at Thank you, Dan


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