Global Warming and Climate Change} I am trying as best I know how, to start a conversation on the most important topic that this planet will face.
"EARTH", with-out this planet, the solar system would simply be another dead zone in a very empty part of the Universe. Do I think that this planet is the only habitable planet, no that would defy the odds. But I do understand that every planet that is able to support life will sooner or later come up against the same logistical problem that Earth is now facing. No system that supports life, can ever be a perfect recycling system, no matter how many people say that perpetual motion is possible simply because a star is supplying enough energy! We say that this planet is in a "Goldilocks" position, was it so 4.5 billion years ago, NO, was it 3 billion years ago yes, but not for anything that is alive now! Life, time, the type of star, how much material was still out there bombarding the planet, all causes changes, that helps determine what life can survive and when! We are so fortunate, to be here now, we have won the biggest crap-shoot in the universe. A thousand dies with a hundred faces all rolled and the same number had to come face up on every die, for any planet to be where we are now. Up until now, it was random adaptations that brought all life to where we are now, which can no longer be expected to be enough, to allow life to continue as we understand it! For the laws of physics, have kicked in, these laws have always been around, whether mankind was on the planet or not, mankind does do not make such laws, we can only come to understand them. More importantly, we can learn how to work with them. We can only look into the future, by looking into the past, and in doing so, we can recreate or prevent unacceptable outcomes, that no other species on this planet can do. We must start to believe that mankind is not only a parasite on the planet but also the only salvation that this planet has for all "carbon-based" life to continue. Yes, there are two sides to every coin, just as predators and prey have to be in balance, otherwise, something starves. Most people do not think of ourselves as predators, but we all are, even vegetarians, we farm to make sure that we all have enough to eat, be that meat or grains, or vegetables. We give our livestock a safe environment, with food, water, and protection, the same with plants, all to ensure the continuation of mankind and the food sources that feed us! Now we have been confronted will new knowledge, how we respond will show us, who we are, do we used the knowledge that we have learned to save all caron-based life on the planet starting now. Or do we continue to live a misunderstanding of the planet's need for help, because it will make mankind somehow more important then many people will want mankind to be? Mankind has already extended how long carbon-based life has to survive on this planet by thousands of years, yes unintended and only by chance, but never-the-less we have done that! Now comes the next chapter, we really need to read it! I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946, e-mail @ Or continue reading more about it @ Tell others about the crazy guy in Nebraska that understands how to repair the planet the only way! Thank you, Dan
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