288 Global Warming and Climate Change} Wolves in Yellowstone National Park, has affected the eco-system there more than expected!

When wolves were re-introduced in the area of Yellowstone, it seemed that no one had envisioned how much that action, would change the ecology of the area, and most are saying for the better! (better, in this case, seems to be that it is more diverse than before) Eco-systems are extremely hard to see all of the interactions that play a part in how life proceeds, and that is just in small systems, every time a niche is changed, filled, or lost it affects all others, but can we even say that there are niches? Having a "niche" is like saying that we can separate inter-dependant systems, can we do that?  Perhaps we can in some very isolated cases, such as marmots living on a rock-covered mountain top, far above treeline. I have never heard of wolves or some other predator, living in those areas because the rock field offers such excellent cover for marmots with no hiding places for the wolves to attack from. But these types of Eco-systems are few in nature. Seldom do you find both such a limited number of animal life and such a restricting environment? Mankind loves to classify, number, and categorize things around them, thinking that by doing so they can understand our planet in all of its detail. Maybe in the future, we will be able to walk around with handheld devices, that will be able to breakdown every living detail in an area, but would that even be enough? Sci-fie movies love this scanner vision, unless it interferes with the plot-line. Right now mankind is just starting the slow process of understanding the world around them, we have come so far in such a short time that we sometimes believe that we can do more than we really can. In time we can become a great species, but we are not there yet, the covid-19 crisis has shown the whole world how silly, yes silly we can be as a species. all we had to do was a complete lock-down of a few months and the virus would have run its course, but no that takes away our God-given right to believe what we want! Remember when the AIDS virus hit, it was a condemnation from God himself, just as the flood that only saved those that still served him did in biblical times. DNA has disproved that point of view, but do not try and tell that to a true believer, they may try and chop your head off. So instead we allow people to suffer and die so that we can claim how true we have been to whomever we follow! (And some of those are not even considered divine, "yet") Those in a position of power that uses that position for personal gain have almost never been forced to pay for their crimes against their fellow man, even their children will follow in their footsteps. We still have a need to revere someone even went they have never done anything to be revered for. We need to stop that, but how do we do that? There are simply too many people willing to hold on to the coattails of these (mainly men) so that some of the power will in time, trickle down to them! We do have a long way to go in many aspects of our lives, and we all think that we know better than someone else who does not hold our belief system! (myself included) Reach me at 402-890-7946 or at   daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com    Or keep reading more at   https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you for your consideration, Dan


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