CCCII Global Warming and Climate Change} I have been talking mainly about the sequestration of carbon!
As being the leading factor for the lack of abundant plant on the planet, but many things that plant life needs, have also been slowly being removed from what a full and abundant plant life on the planet requires. This is where looking at the distant past (much more distant than a few million years ago) can lead us in the right direction, on how macro and micronutrient needs have changed along with the availability of those nutrients. Working in conjunction with almost every type of scientist that deals with both the distant past and the present needs of life on the planet will be the only way forward. There has been much speculation about how the lack of "free iron" in many parts of the oceans of the planet, has restricted the oceans life from the uptake of carbon dioxide, which many believe would help in reducing some if not all of the man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! However, there were several trials of seeding parts of the oceans with iron which were produced either inconclusive results, or caused poisonous algae blooms to form. My guess on the formation of poisonous algae blooms was caused by the new growth using up the available oxygen in the waters and the resulting die-off is what caused the algae to turn poisonous, we see this in many of the places where farm erosion and runoff of excess fertilizers entering oceans, gulfs, and seas, will produce "red tides" due to excess algae bloom and the resulting mass die-off once the limited amount of oxygen in the waters are used up. This then leads us to the need for supplemental oxygen to be able to work in conjunction with the supplemental iron! This shows us that everything is so inter-connected on this planet, and mankind is just starting out trying to understand even the simplest systems. We are guaranteed to fail many times in our quest to improve mankind's inter-action with our planet, just as the dustbowl of inter-America in the 1930s and 40s was caused by us! But we can not stop, or the planet's life itself will continue to be destroyed! The "plan" as I have outlined it, will always need to be able to be adapted to new knowledge, but only as that new knowledge is based on facts, not someone's guess! Replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet is the only way forward in recreating the temperature regulation ability that was lost over the last 2.5 million years of the creation of these very areas. How much will life on the planet change over the next 200 years of putting the "plan" into action, will depend on many things, not the least will be what decisions those in power will make, if they are not always based on what is good for all life, but what is good for them! If mankind is still based on needing three sets of people on the planet, the wealthy and influential, the middle class doing the day to day organizing, and the poor worker bee's making it possible for the wealthy to exist! In this case, then the 200,000,000 newly made self-employed families, will be forced off of there homes, and giant corporations will take over the operations of these (non-efficient tiny farms) for the greater good of all mankind, they will perhaps be willing to hire the old owners to work at the right price? Well, we are a long way from talking about that now, so let's keep telling everyone why the "plan" is the only way forward! As always I can be reached by phone in the USA at 402-890-7946, G-mail at or if you would like to read more about why, you can go to Thank you, Daniel James Kadavy near Cortland, Nebraska
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