CCCVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Talking about how to convince people that 3 billion years of carbon sequestration is what matters!
It took mankind quite a long time to come to the conclusion that if we do not want to deal with more and more extreme weather, rising sea levels, and everything that comes with Climate Change, then something has to be done about "it"! Yes, there are many people who still think that what the planet is going through, is nothing but, normal climate variations, but if this was only that, then we would already be 2,500 years into yet another ice age! I am fairly certain that most people would agree, that is not the case. This alone is convincing proof that mankind can and does affect the planet's atmosphere! Long before mankind started using fossil fuels, The simple act of mankind changing from a nomadic way of life and following a changing place for food sources, to an agricultural and much more consistent and sustainable food supply.
This act caused a quicker carbon turn-around cycle, instead of tree growth that could lock carbon away from the atmosphere for generations, Land was cleared of trees and then planted into crops that would be harvested at least once per growing season. This forced carbon back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide much faster and therefore the parts per million levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stayed about the threshold of 200 parts per million, preventing another ice age, from starting! This all required population counts of humans to remain high enough to maintain enough agricultural land, instead of forests, so carbon cycles were consistently faster. One must remember, this did not stop or even slow down the rate of carbon sequestration, which in times past, pulled enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere so that most inter-glacier periods only lasted for around 10,000 years.
Most carbon sequestration happens not on land but in the seas, and oceans of the planet! Most transfer of atmospheric carbon into the oceans only happens when there are quite a bit more parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there is in the waters of the planet, normally that would be a very rare occurrence, prior to 2.5 million years ago, almost all of the carbon reserves were stored in the waters of the planet, not on the land or in the atmosphere. With sequestration rates estimated at 10 gigatonnes of carbon per year and estimated returns of 3 gigatonnes of carbon mainly from plate tectonics each year, the reserves of carbon in the waters of the planet will have dropped by 2.5 million years times 7 equals 17.5 million gigatonnes! That leaves by most scientists accounts less than 50,000 gigatonnes of carbon in some form that life can use! (No life can Not use limestone and the carbon stored in it for life, however, mankind can and does release the stored carbon back into the atmosphere when it creates concrete out of limestone, and we make a lot of concrete)!
Life is a balancing act between all of the different aspects of the planet, and the energy received from the sun. It took over a billion years for life to begin, and life has had to constantly change and adapt, to ever-changing conditions. Scientists talk about great extinction events, such as the great oxidation extinction event, which only took 2 billion years, and yet there are many lifeforms that still exist from that period, and yes oxygen is poisonous in too great of an amount to them, but we use them in many ways for breaking down waste products so they can be reused by life. That is not an extinction event, that was simply an adaption necessary for life to continue, yes along other lines! The only extinction event I see would be, such as an asteroid strike that wiped out many of the dinosaurs. Many would say mankind could be considered an "extinction event" for many types of life on the planet, that could not adapt, or were hunted to extinction! Normally, changes to life on this planet are caused by changes in the make-up of gases in the atmosphere, and anything that takes less than 50,000,000 years would be considered very fast, but as important life-determining gases declined then that time frame goes into overdrive, which is what our planet has been going through in only the last 2.5 million years. From there being in excess of 17.5 million gigatonnes of available carbon on the planet that number has declined to less than 50,000 gigatonnes of that same available carbon left on the planet, OUR PLANET. Just enough for a few hundred to a few thousand years if mankind would not be here and capable of making those changes. But to do so, will require those who see mankind as a blight on the planet, to those who see mankind as too small to interfere with "nature" need to completely re-think and begin to see the truth! For those of you who will see this as proof of a GOD, or proof that GOD never existed for either is really a type of "faith"! If you wish to be one of the first to talk to me about what I have been trying to convey for over a year, call me at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail at, or wish to read more, try my blog @
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