CCXC Starting up a new business, how is that done in a capitalistic venture} Money, money, and more money!
Let's say that you have an excellent idea for a new product, and you have the expertise to even build that product. Better yet it will be used to save money for those who buy it, so it should be a no-brainer for people to buy it. Let's even say what it is, a trash can for bathrooms in stores that compresses the used paper towels, so that the restroom ends up neater and someone does not have to come in 3 times a day to change the bag, when it is 3/4 full it sends a signal to the office and since this compressed paper towel bag will be quite a bit heavier than a normal bag it has a built-in handcart to wheel it out to the recycle bin, even the bag itself is made of the same type of material as the paper towels so there is no plastic to remove before recycling. not only that but if you could get enough orders you could do the recycling in a small warehouse and simply compress the used paper towels by pressure and heat into more towels and the bags themselves. you would end up with a small business that is virtually self-contained with almost no waste by-product. Now comes the oversite that such a company needs to have, to comply with the government agencies that over-sees safety, liability, product production, insurance, handling, then the lawyers would need to get involved with patents and protections from copyright infringements, then China swamps the market with look-alike products and what can a small company do? The amount of money that it would take just to hire say, 10 people, with insurance, the vehicles needed, the warehouse, the staff that would do nothing but makes sure of compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and the big corporations that would try and sue you for some fake patent infringement, that with there deep pockets could put you in court for years. There would be no end to the corporate greed that would end up grinding your nice little business down. And every bit of it is legal because of laws designed by those very businesses to keep America safe from poorly designed products! Big Business loves regulations, the harder it is to build something then the harder it is for others to enter those markets, and the more they can charge because of all the red tape they have to deal with! My "plan" for replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet and only using people and not corporations to do it by-passes all of these restrictions, granted getting permission to use the water's from all of the river's of the planet will be the hardest, and perhaps we will only be given permission just as it is entering the sea or ocean, and that will mean constructing dam's and shipping locks, and some type of by-pass for sea life. And more pumping energy will be needed as gravity will not be able to be used if that is the only place that we will have access to the water at. In many places, this will not be difficult, as there will be wave and tidal power available but in places such as the Mediterranean sea, that availability is limited! Solar may be the best option there as even the wind are not so dependable at those latitudes! Moving water and creating "millions" of small farms will be the main work of these areas, along with the infrastructure needed to accomplish those objectives. Yes, the decontamination of the waters will be of great concern, but much of what the ocean sees as contamination, such as nitrates, and silts are perfect for plant life, while the plastics and heavy metals are the easiest to remove both by filtration and by settling ponds. Since there will not be any corporation input or farms larger than 20 acres allowed, with no livestock at the beginning other than the kinds of seafood that will be raised in small one-acre ponds, the need for any great oversite will not exist, or the desire for corporation to get invested in any way. Even if minerals are found there will not be any sites of more than that 20 acres allowed which can easily be handled by small groups of individuals doing the work of collecting small amounts over long periods of time. This will keep nature as pristine as possible while still using the minerals found. These communities, will not just be subsistence farming, we know too much now, about how to produce goods efficiently, and with the towns getting the best prices for every farmer by being the collection and selling point for everything produced, a very good, fulfilling life can be expected where the standard of living will be better than most places in the world., or at 402-890-7946 or continue reading at Keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska who know the only way forward for all carbon-based life on this planet. Thank You, Dan
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