CCXCIV Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind, is our capitalist side it is all about profit and power. Humanity is our empathy side, it is about helping each other and the planet

Mankind and Humanity, these two sides of the same coin, have been a struggle for as long as we been on the planet. Just about every species on the planet has these two sides of the same coin "struggle", so we come by this naturally. This struggle is not even only between a species, but can be "us against them" and normally is. Even trees, defend themselves against other trees, and also pests both insect and bacterial, and the climate and weather! There are always losers and winners, losing may not mean death, just not a seat at the best table. How do we balance this two-sided coin? Fair governments and laws are where we have tried to bring these two sides together, but just like different types of governments, those in each, enjoy the power too much! Laws have been created to favor certain parts of a sociality, and others have been created to disenfranchise other parts of a sociality. All in the name of fairness that ends up being anything but fair! The one that was easy to see, yet the masses did not see, was "Separate but Equal". That one was big for at least a hundred years concerning "blacks and whites". We still see many aspects of inequality when people are forced to leave their homes due to some internal strife especially when we are talking about "professional jobs such as doctors, engineers, and the like, most times they are not allowed to practice their profession in their new country! This is simply another way of maintaining the status quo, or the good old boy network, or doing business in a smoke-filled back-room, it is never in the best interest of Humanity! But is always in the best interest of a select few! The "plan" as I have explained it, will not benefit all of mankind but it will benefit all of humanity, and in the process all carbon-based lifeforms on the planet. There is enough of the planet resources, countries, cities, and towns, for mankind to divide up between themselves, there is no need to include the "plan" in that! All life on the planet is simply too important to waste on attempting to have just more billionaires, or petty dictators, or more giant corporations, on the planet. Reach me @ 402-890-7946 or by G-mail @  or continue reading @


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