CCXCIX or CCIC Global Warming and Climate Change} All carbon-based life, can only continue, if mankind pays attention to the planet's past!
We are not talking about the time frame that we can see in tree-rings, ice-core samples, or even ocean sediment coring, that in theory can go back 200,000,000 years! (that is believed to be how long plate tectonics take's to completely replace the seafloor?) That is not even close to going back far enough in time, we need to go all the way back to when life first started on this planet, scientist' best guess on that, is between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago. How do we do that, it is very hard to even find any rocks that have not been remade many times since that period, let alone ones that may have the planet's first life and atmosphere saved as fossils in that rock? Well, I have a shortcut, does it recreate what our planet and its atmosphere were like that long ago YES, NO, MAYBE. For myself, I believe it is a window into our planet's past, can I prove it "absolutely not"! Come on tell us what is it! It is the atmosphere of our twin sister planet "VENUS" There were as I see it, three reasons, that life was never able to really get a hold on the planet, Venus. First, it's rotation period, it takes 243 earth days to make one day on Venus, which create two problems for life to start, (1a) no magnetic shield around the planet to protect new life from the Sun's deadly rays, and (2a) the normal use of photosynthesis would have been very difficult to start with such a long period of no sunlight, and then such a long period of heat-generating sunlight. The third reason is its closer proximity to the sun, which perhaps helped boil off any water that would have been available for life in the beginning. But what this did allow us to see was what our planet's atmosphere would have been like all those billions of years ago. With no known plant life on Venus, its atmosphere would have stayed basically in its primordial state. There would not have been any sequestration of carbon dioxide out of its atmosphere by the death of carbon-based life as we have on this planet, where over 100,000,000, gigatonnes of carbon are now locked away from that very life, much of it stored away as limestone! That is one of the reasons that Venus's atmosphere is 92 times thicker than our planet's atmosphere! Some will say that the temperature of around 870 degrees Fahrenheit would have boiled all of the carbon buried deep in Venus's crust out into the atmosphere, and that is why it is so dense. We need to remember that when any planet has first formed the heat generated by that creation, would have already boiled much of these gases into the atmosphere, and the strength of Venus's gravity would have kept any but the lightest gases confined to the atmosphere, that is why there is little or no helium or hydrogen in Venus's atmosphere. But there is around 3.5% nitrogen in Venus's thick atmosphere, nitrogen is an extremely stable gas in any atmosphere but is almost non-existence in the crust of a planet! and yet our atmosphere is 78% nitrogen there is little or no reason to believe that the amount of nitrogen would have been substantially different in either Venus's or the Earth's atmosphere, in the beginning, the best explanation for this huge difference is that most of the Earth's carbon-based atmosphere has been slowly removed by carbon sequestration over these billion's of years of carbon-based life being on the Earth and not on Venus, and in doing so the levels of nitrogen while not changing, would have increased in comparison to the thinning atmosphere of our planet. I hope that everyone is understanding the point that I have been trying to make in almost all of my posts and the 12-page paper titled "Life cycle of a planet, by Daniel James Kadavy" The time that any planet can sustain life, and that life can be in abundance, is never, for forever!!! There will always be some limiting factor for how long a planet can sustain life, on our planet that limiting factor is the availability of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When mankind first showed up on the planet as a recognizable species, that we think of as ourselves today, was only around 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Modern man was even less, probably only around 10,000 years ago, maybe we could see ourselves as far back as 25,000 years ago. In any case just a very short time in the scheme of all life on this planet. Carbon dioxide was never above 280 parts per million in the atmosphere since mankind first made our appearance. This is where we "all" go wrong, we think that since life on this planet has done very well for 3 billion years it must be mankind that is messing everything up! "NO, Life Itself" has caused mass extinction events almost since life started, mainly by changing concentrations of atmospheric gases! But this latest change in the planet's atmosphere is the most serious challenge that our planet has ever faced, and no, we did not create it! Had mankind been present around 2.5 million years ago with the same level of technology as we have today, our addition of around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, would have made several things happen, all of which would have prevented the planet from entering into the current ice-age that we are still in, that 150 parts per million would have stopped that occurrence from happening, and because there were much fewer areas of the planet that were arid or semi-arid, the temperature extremes that we see in today's world, which are the cause of extreme weather, would not have happened either! But we were not around back then so we have to deal with our planet as we find it now! 25% of the landmass of our planet is either arid or semi-arid this has never happened on the planet to the best of anyone's knowledge since the dinosaurs were wiped out, by a meteorite. That would have caused most of the planet's landmasses to become unlivable, within weeks. How long did plant life take to bounce back? Probably only a fairly short time but long enough for most large land animals to starve to death, there were probably a few places where large life forms survived but most were still doomed because of a lack of a large and stable enough population to be able to withstand other misfortunes. There was still a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and now there was even more because of all of the fires that had decimated much of the planet. Life could continue, but in another direction, and mammals were the beneficiary of that extinction event. (talk about rambling and changing directions) Now mankind is the major species on the planet, we have shown that we can and do, make considerable changes to many parts of the planet including the gases that make up the atmosphere of the planet! Starting around 3,000 years ago we prevented the next ice age from starting again, by both the cutting down and burning of large forests of the planet both for heating and cooking, but also for agriculture, which causes a faster carbon cycle than the planet normally would have enjoyed. From around 3000 years ago and into the 1850s carbon dioxide in the atmosphere remained at a level that allowed normal temperatures to occur, with a few exceptions, any and all of which could be explained, by more or less agriculture being done on the planet! Around the 1850s the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started slowly raising, which could be directly related back to mankind's re-introduction of it by the use of fossil fuels. While the planet has always sequestrated some carbon back into the crust of the planet, mankind was now re-introducing more carbon back into the atmosphere slightly faster than it was being sequestrated. This was all good, but mankind was now causing desert formation faster, than even lowing carbon dioxide levels in the recent past had done. Anytime a vast amount of landmass is changed from having adequate plant life to nominal plant life, cloud formation and rainfall are going to be adversely affected, leading to increasing temperature extremes, and therefore weather extremes! I am trying to explain to everyone and anyone that had not already closed their mind on the subject of what does or does not need to be done to repair both Global Warming and Climate Change. This can only be done if mankind truly understands what is happening, with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, over the 3 billion years that carbon-based life has been on the planet! As I have stated many times, treating the symptoms does not cure the disease! But you can make many millionaires in the process that does not save us! Well, I am going to stop here for now, but anyone who would like to continue with the ideas behind my point of view, and I would enjoy that very much, even if you can show me where I may be wrong at. Call me 24/7 I live by Cortland, Nebraska my phone number is 402-890-7946, or text me (which I do not like much) but will respond to, my G-mail is if you wish to read any of my other 290 plus posts you can go to hhtps:// I hope that anyone reading any of my posts or ramblings would tell others that maybe we need to rethink what is really happening on our planet before setting ourselves down a path that will not repair what we believe is wrong, and in doing so alienate so many that have been told once too often that we only need to do this and everything will be better, or worst that nothing that we can do will prevent a major problem down the road. There is an answer to the planet's problem that will also solve so many of mankind's other problems. Thank you, Dan
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