CCXCV Global Warming and Climate Change } The whole endeavor of the "plan" that ties everything together is a non-profit organization.

What that means is while everyone that owns their farms makes money on everything they produce and sell, the non-profit organization set's the price of all commodities based on a profit for all producers. Their greater bargaining power is much like being a "Walmart" not in how cheap they can buy things at, but at the better price they can sell their commodities at. This is much like Canada and its wheat production, they get a much better price for their wheat than American farmers because they keep separate all of the different types of wheat that Canadian wheat farmers produces, so bakeries will pay a premium for a much more uniform product in the goods that they produce. American farmers are very independent people and would never allow their co-op's (where most farmers sell their corn, wheat, and soybeans) to tell them what strains to plant to receive a better price at the market, but at the same time co-ops in America simply do not have the necessary infrastructure to store more than those three main crops in bulk, that is why almost all of the corn and soybeans end up as animal feed instead of on America's tables! And why the wheat flour that America produces for domestic use, does not create consistent results in the breads and pasta that are made in the homes of American's. As a French baker would say "flour is not flour unless you know what it is made of, while most American's simply pick up a "bag of flour" as they leave the baking aisle in the grocery store! A non-profits organization in this way would substantially increase the bottom line of what each farmer would receive in the monies they would make, but at a cost of losing some choices in what they can grow. The seafood production of each farm would need to fill the niches of what the rest of the world enjoys. And the vegetables would need to be of the types that both freeze-dry, and dehydrates well, plus, can be transported some distance as fresh. No pesticides or insecticides and all-natural so that no one will have to worry about overspray from one field to the next. All of this will lead to more demand by the final buyers, and much fewer problems down the line in terms of unexpected consequences of using those types of products to grow food! Yes, that does mean more direct hands-on work, for everything that is being produced, and more cooperation between farmers, and the use of equipment would need to be shared and maintained both for planting, tilling, harvesting, washing, packing, storage, and transportation, to markets around the planet! Rail systems would decrease almost all transportation costs and help maintain family and friend connection that mankind so enjoys, and has been so hard to have these last 10 months or so. The non-profit organization would be strictly watched over for every dollar that they would be in charge of, no graft or corruption would be allowed, and penalties would be severe. Many of those people needed to run the organization will be only on 4-year terms and then two more years helping the new individuals to understand all of the details needed to make the best decisions. That way continuity will be maintained and the chance for corruption keep as low as possible. Reach me @ 402-890-7946 in the USA or by G-mail @ if you wish to read all 295 other posts you can go to  Thank you, and tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska that  knows what we need to do, to maintain all carbon-based life on this planet. Dan  


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