CCXCVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} How many people will it take to replant the deserts, and semi-arid areas of the planet?

That would depend on many factors, but the "plan" simply improves the lives of millions upon millions of people, by allowing them to become self-employed farmers, with no mortgages, with new skills, and a decent chance at making a much better life for themselves and their families, all on 20 acres of what was once a desert or semi-arid part of the planet. So take the total area of all the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet that is warm enough to use for farming, divide that by 22 acres (around 2 acres of every 20 will either not be farmable or will be needed for roads, or "towns" best guesstimate) and that will tell you the approximate living capacity of those areas per family. There are 640 acres per square mile so around 30 families per square mile can prosper on such a farm site. so the Sharara Desert once converted into a giant oasis, over perhaps 100 years could support, 3,552,000 square miles times 30 families per square miles equals 106,560,000 families, in just the area of what would once have been the Sharara Desert! And if in that 100 years, we could improve how much each acre could produce, then all the better. Remember these farms along with their seafood-producing ponds are not designed for maximum production of vegetables because the true need is for ground cover by plant life. This is what is needed to re-establish the temperature regulation of the planet, which will always be the true nature of these farms, that they will also be able to support families with a good life, is how they will need to be designed, to produce money and not cost money to be maintained. Reach me at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail at  or to read 295 additional posts go to 

    Thank you, and continue telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska that knows how to repair our one and only planet mankind can survive on!

    With just the Sharara Desert needing over 100,000,000 people and then taking into consideration all of the rest of the planet's underutilized areas, then easily over a quarter of a billion people could become self-employed farmers along with all of the necessary supporting personnel and their families, the figures can become staggering! Perhaps creating a whole new population that will be able to help change much more than just the temperature regulating abilities of the planet!



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