CCCIV Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has alway treated nature as something to be overpowered and organized!
This was the only way that mankind could prosper. But there many times that this "us versus the planet mentality" backfired! The increased size of the Sahara desert over the last 6,000 years can be somewhat laid at mankind's feet. The dust bowl of middle America, and the deforestation of South America, can all be laid at mankind's feet! Some of mankind's mistake was based on ignorance, but what we are doing to the rain forest's in South America is simply greed and temporary profit, that will cost the planet much more to repair than was ever made! We now have a perfect way forward that will not only start the slow but steady repairing of the planet, but will also produce food, shelter, and a steady income, for many millions of people! Nature does not treat mankind any better, nor should it, life is what everything on the planet strives for. From the smallest microbe, to the largest mammal"s in the oceans! Whatever works is how adaption, evolves, mankind has gone one step better, in being able to cure, treat, and repair what breaks. In time mankind will also be able to redesign ourselves, we are already doing some of that on our DNA level's, and who has not seen combined species of fruit trees, growing several different fruits on the same tree? Most may not realize that many of our grapes varieties use the root stock of a particularly hardy variety, but a completely different fruit producing top, spliced together, and shipped to different areas of the planet once the splice is healed. The world we now live in would not have been recognizable to our foreparents. Hopefully, the same will be true for how our great grandchildren will live, If the "plan" is followed, they should be living in a world, that inter-connects with our planet instead of completing with with it. What levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be the ideal amount, is not for our generation, or perhaps not even the next generation to decide. To speculate, would truly be specultion, their's will truly be a different world then we enjoy now! The interactions of cloud-cover, rain, sunlight off of plant life instead of unprotected soils, They may have to change some states official motto's, because climate's will have changed in many areas of the planet. But if the "plan" has been done right, then extreme high's and low's all over the planet will never come even close to those we now see! Reach me by phone @ 402-890-7946, or my G-mail is or continue reading @ Thank you, and tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska, Dan
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